​Are Inter-Capitalist Rivalries Intensifying? – Jack Rasmus

Capitalism is by nature based on intense, and often destructive, competition. Not only between capital and labor, but between capitalists themselves. But not all competition is the same. There is competition when the global economic pie is growing; and there is competition when it is stagnating or declining. And in recent months signs are growing that new forms of more intense, aggressive inter-capitalist competition are emerging as the global economy continues to slow in general, and even stagnant and slide into recession in a growing number of countries.

Official Washington’s Delusions on Delusions

The chasm between reality and the U.S. political/media elite continues to widen with Official Washington’s actions toward Iran and Russia making “the world’s sole remaining superpower” look either like a Banana Republic (on Iran) or an Orwellian Dystopia (regarding Russia). On Iran and the international negotiations to rein in its nuclear program, the American people witnessed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu …

Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, wants Arab-Israelis Beheaded

Anyone doubting racist lunatics run Israel take note of what ultranationalist/fascist/defrocked for criminality/reinstated Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman proposes. He wants anyone he considers disloyal to Israel as a Jewish state beheaded. Recall GW Bush’s polarizing September 20, 2001 statement to a joint congressional session about “either (being) with us or against us.” Ahead of next week’s Israeli elections, Lieberman addressed …

Israel used “disappearance” of soldier as pretext for killing spree — rights group

Israel used the “disappearance” of a soldier in Gaza as a pretext to kill 225 Palestinians over a three-day period last summer, a new study suggests. On 1 August last year, the Israeli military reported that one of its lieutenants, Hadar Goldin, had gone missing in the Rafah area, close to Gaza’s border with Egypt. Israel’s response was one of “shooting at anything and anybody,” …

Leid Stories – 03.06.15

Mutually Assured Deception: Why Netanyahu’s Nuclear Arsenal Is Not Up for Debate in Congress 50 Years Later, Edmund Pettus Bridge Still Spans Two Americas, Separate and Unequal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in effect delivered a warning to the United States in his diplomacy-wrecking speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday: End all talks with Iran on its nuclear …

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Fantasy World

Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was brilliantly deceitful because it played to the fantasies that Israeli propaganda and right wing militarists in the United States have been popularizing for the past thirty years. The biggest fantasy: that we can coerce others through power over them to do what we consider in the best interests of the U.S. or Israel. This is …

Obama Lied About Obamacare

Obamacare Increases Insurance-Rate by 87.7%/85.4%, or 2.7% Since 2008 Obamacare Increases Insureds from 85.4% up to 87.7% Candidate Obama’s Promise  of “Universal” Meant 100% Obamacare started being available on 1 October 2013 and has now been available for 16 months. When candiate Obama was running for the Presidency, he promised “universal coverage,” which is what exists in virtually all other …

The Arab intellectual is resting, not dead

Whenever a new poem by Mahmoud Darwish was published in al-Quds newspaper, I rushed over to Abu Aymen’s newsstand that was located in the refugee camp’s main square. It was a crowded and dusty place where grimy taxis waited for passengers, surrounded by fish and vegetable venders. Darwish’s poetry was too cryptic for us teenagers at a refugee camp in Gaza …

The Israeli Elephant in the US Congress

It’s astonishing that in the breathless run-up to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of the U.S. Congress to warn of a nuclear-armed Iran, no one—politicians, editorial writers, media pundits—point out that there already is a nuclear power in the Middle East—Netanyahu’s Israel. Estimates are that Israel has about 80 nukes, roughly the same number as Pakistan and India. …