Daniel Lazare – How Obama Spread the Mideast Fires

With President Obama down to less than two weeks in office, everyone is busy assessing his legacy. So let’s begin with the Arab world. Not since the Vietnam War, we can safely say, has an administration left a region in ruins the way Obama has left the Middle East (although it’s true that George W. Bush contributed mightily to the mess). But …

Baher Kamal – Trump, the Banks and the Bomb

ROME, Jan 7 2017 (IPS) – When pro-nuclear disarmament organisations last October cheered the United Nations decision to start in 2017 negotiations on a global treaty banning these weapons, they probably did not expect that shortly after the US would elect Republican businessman Donald Trump as their 45th president. Much less that he would rush to advocate for increasing the …

Yoav Litvin – The mainstreaming of Palestinian genocide

The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldier and medic Elor Azaria, who was filmed last March (by Imad Abu Shamsiya, a Palestinian B’Tselem volunteer) executing an incapacitated Palestinian man, Fattah al-Sharif, in cold blood has been convicted of manslaughter. He is now the modern Israeli hero, “the child of all of us” as many Israelis refer to him. Shortly after the …

Lawrence Davidson – Israel’s Above-the-Law Behavior

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threw a temper tantrum on Dec. 24 after the U.S. failed to veto United Nations Security Council Resolution 2234 condemning Zionist settlements on Palestinian territory. Netanyahu called the resolution “shameful.” He went so far as to tell the foreign secretary of New Zealand, one of the countries that brought the resolution forward for a vote, …

Nika Knight – Lashing Out, Israel Vows More Settlements, Reduces Diplomatic Ties

Israel is lashing out in the wake of last week’s United Nations resolution that demanded the country put an end to settlement activity on occupied Palestinian territory. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned Israel’s U.S. ambassador Sunday for a private meeting, while close allies to the right-wing prime minister claimed that President Barack Obama was secretly behind the resolution—and promised to …

Daniel C. Maguire – How Israel Misuses the Bible

Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, let the theological cat out of the bag.   When the Security Council rebuked Israel for their land thefts (euphemized as “settlements,”) Mr. Danon replied with pious indignation: “Would you ban the French from building in Paris?” There, in all of it effrontery, is the imperial theology that birthed Zionism. David Ben Gurion …

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 12.14.16

The Conspiracy Guy #3: The atrocities of 9/11 were not as they have been presented to the American people through THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT (2004) and other venues. None of the 9/11 aircraft, for example, appear to have crashed on 9/11, where two were not even in the air and the other two were not taken out of service until four years later. A review of the evidence, in including research by Pilots for 9/11 Truth, confirms that this was a scam on the public, intended to motivate becoming involved wars in the Middle East to take out the modern Arab countries that were serving as a counterbalance to Israel’s domination of the region. Once understood, the importance of being able to sort out reality from illusion becomes apparent, where the alternative media has been the primary source of real news and the mainstream of fake.

Ramzy Baroud – Hold your applause, Fatah, the Palestinian body politic is rotten to the core

In July 2003, the then Palestinian Authority Chairman, Yasser Arafat, described Mahmoud Abbas as a “traitor” who “betrayed the interests of the Palestinian People.” Arafat loathed Abbas to the very end. This particular outburst was made during a meeting with United Nations envoy Terje Larsen. The meeting took place a few months after Arafat was coerced by the US, Israel …

Jonathan Marshall – Death of the ‘Two-State Solution’

Donald Trump’s election victory raises many unanswered questions, but it also settles a few, starting with the fate of the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process.” In the words of Israeli Education Minister and Jewish Home Party leader Naftali Bennett, “The era of a Palestinian state is over.” Lest anyone accuse the Israeli hardliner of wishful thinking, one need only recall candidate Trump’s …