Deirdre Fulton – Emboldened by Trump, Israel Moves to ‘Legalize’ West Bank Settlements

On the morning after Donald Trump’s election victory, Israeli education minister Naftali Bennett declared: “The era of a Palestinian state is over.” Moves this week by “emboldened” right-wing Israeli politicians offer evidence to support that statement. The Washington Post reports: Right-wing leaders in the Israeli government have seized on the election of Donald Trump to push forward assertive new legislation …


“I have survived the past three wars, but that is not the problem. In this place, wars come and go. The bigger struggle is not to lose hope. The only way I can do that is to retreat, and create my own world, and become oblivious.” This was told to me by 36-year old Ali, who works as a waiter …

Punit Shah – People with Autism Make More Logical Decisions

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research. Decisions are based on the way choices are framed. This is because people use emotion when making decisions, leading to some options feeling more desirable than others. For example, when given £50, we are more likely to gamble the money if we stand to lose £30 …

Ramzy Baroud – Ban Ki-moon’s Legacy in Palestine: Failure in Words and Deeds

Ban Ki-moon was the most ideal man for the job of UN Secretary General, as far as the US government and the Israeli occupation regime are concerned. Ban Ki-Moon‘s second term as the Secretary General of the United Nations is ending this December. He was the most ideal man for the job as far as the United States and its …

ROBERT FANTINA – Netanyahu, Palestine and Ethnic Cleansing

Well, once again, Israeli Prime Murderer Benjamin Netanyahu astounds. One would think that there must be some limit to the bizarre statements that issue from his mouth, but no, we learn again and again that he is willing to push the bizarreness envelope to places where, like the crew of Star Trek’s Enterprise, no one has ever before ventured. His …

81% 0f Americans oppose the $38 billion military gift to Israel

“A solid majority of Americans would redirect $38 billion the Obama Administration pledged to Israel toward other priorities. The Obama administration last week signed an executive agreement with Israel pledging $38 billion ($3.8 billion per year) in foreign aid for fiscal years 2019- 2028. The majority of the proposed spending is for Foreign Military Financing to provide Israel advanced and upgraded jet …

James Durso – The Natural Gas War Burning Under Syria

In 2009, Qatar, a leading natural gas producer, approached Syria about routing its planned 1,500 mile pipeline to the gas markets of Europe through Syria’s Aleppo province. Qatar wanted a pipeline straight to Europe as its current gas transport modes were limited to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) tanker, mostly to Asia with limited spot shipments to Europeor the Dolphin pipeline to the United Arab Emirates and …

Roslyn Fuller – Heartbreaking Stories from Academia: America’s Universities Treat Most Faculty Like Peons, and the Results Are Not Pretty

“What is education?” Ruth Wangerin asks me, when I Skype the sociology professor at her home in New York. “Is education a good for its own sake? Is it a process of weeding people out? Or is the student a customer paying for certification and the adjunct is there to train them?” It’s a good question. Wangerin is an adjunct …

Glenn Greenwald – Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored

LAST WEEK, A MAJOR censorship controversy erupted when Facebook began deleting all posts containing the iconic photograph of the Vietnamese “Napalm Girl” on the ground that it violated the company’s ban on “child nudity.” Facebook even deleted a post from the prime minister of Norway, who posted the photograph in protest of the censorship. As outrage spread, Facebook ultimately reversed itself — acknowledging “the history and global …