Philip Weiss – Former AIPAC Official Says Israel Should get no US Aid without Ending ‘Oppressive’ Settlements

Here is another sign that what had been quiet disagreement between American Jews and Israel is breaking out in the open, thanks to the approaching jubilee year of the occupation. Citing “nearly half a century” of occupation, a former AIPAC official comes out for conditioning US aid to Israel on that country agreeing to freeze its illegal settlements in the West …

Professor Kamel Hawwash – Britain should apologise for the Balfour Declaration, not ‘celebrate’ it

The Balfour Declaration is a letter from the then British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Walter Rothschild, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The critical part of this short letter said: “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate …

teleSUR – Google Sparks Outrage by Abolishing Palestine on Maps

Google’s decision to wipe Palestine from its map app and portray the occupied territories as Israel sparks online protest campaign.    ournalists and activists have excoriated Google for wiping Palestine completely off its map app, depicting the entire occupied Palestinian territories as part of the state of Israel. A map shows Palestine’s territory, in green, progressively shrinking between 1946 and …

Lauren McCauley – Israel Calls on Citizens to Track and Report Activists in ‘Ruthless’ War Against BDS

Amplifying the growing crackdown on dissent and specifically the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights, the Israeli government this weekend unveiled a new initiative to track and deport activists suspected of supporting the campaign. Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan and Interior Minister Arye Dery on Sunday announced the creation of a new government task force charged with …

Resistance Radio – David Pilgrim – 07.24.16

David Pilgrim is a professor, orator, and human rights activist. He is best known as the founder and curator of the Jim Crow Museum­a ten thousand piece collection of racist artifacts located at Ferris State University, which uses objects of intolerance to teach about race, race relations, and racism. He is the author of Understanding Jim Crow. Download this episode (right …

Paul R. Pillar – The Fallacy of ‘Regime Change’ Strategies

Many variables are involved in the messy predicaments in the Middle East, but one way of framing the history and issues of U.S. policy toward the region is in terms of the approaches that have been taken toward so-called rogue regimes. That term, one should hasten to add, obscures more than it enlightens. But it has been in general use …

Mish Shedlock – Erdogan Scorecard: 50,000 Detained or Fired Generals, Judges, Teachers, Police, Others

Inquiring minds may be interested in the number of military officers, generals, judges, teachers, and ordinary citizens detained or fired by Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Facts Not Needed for Extradition Yesterday, ABC news reported Turkey Fires Tens of Thousands in Coup Plotters Hunt. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the issue in a phone call with U.S. President Barack Obama, …

Leslie Scott – New Jersey Passes Bill That Blacklists Companies Seeking Basic Human Rights for Palestinians

On Monday, June 27, the New Jersey State Assembly overwhelmingly passed a bill targeting companies that sign on to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (or BDS) that is pressuring Israel to provide Palestinians with basic human rights. Modeled by pro-Israel lobbying organizations in similar fashion to the executive order issued by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the bill would …

iEat Green – Elise Golan – 06.16.16

Elise H. Golan is the Director for Sustainable Development for USDA. In this role, she provides leadership in planning, coordinating, and analyzing the Department’s various policies, programs and activities that impact and relate to sustainable agricultural, natural resource, and community development including food security.

Prior to this position, Elise served as the Associate Director of the Food Economics Division at the Economic Research Service, USDA. She received her Ph.D. in agricultural economics from the University of California at Berkeley and completed a post-doctorate fellowship focusing on environmental economics at the University of Haifa, Israel. Before joining USDA, Elise did consulting work for, among others, the World Bank, the International Labour Organization, and the California Department of Finance. She served as a senior staff economist on the President’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1998-99.

Dr. Golan’s research has spanned a wide range of sustainability issues, including land tenure and sustainable land management in the Sahel and West Africa; rice-straw burning and sustainable land management in California; regional and U.S. food-system modeling; food labeling and market development; food access, affordability, and security; and the distributional consequences of food policy.

Paul Craig Roberts – Frustrations of Telling the Truth

Some readers who read the sample of appreciation expressed for my columns ( ) want to know about the abuse. Why not. Some examples: If I criticize the Israeli government for abusing Palestinians and stealing their country, the Israel Lobby accuses me of being an anti-semite who wants to repeat the holocaust. In the same batch of emails, anti-semites denounce me …