Progressive Radio Network

Latin America

#1- Update on Gringo’s applying for residency in Latin countries: The residency rules and regs are changing rapidly and getting more complicated by the month.…
#1- Lookism and body part fixations are much more than alive and well in Latin America: starting with the amazingly perfect super-manniqins that can be…
#1- Thank god for fearless maids and gardeners: A report on varieties of insects, creatures and critters on the property and in the house. The bugs…
#1-Recent history indicates that Gringos of two particular professions are ahead of the curve when it comes to arranging their Latin American plan “B”. Can…
#1- Spotting Latin American “Gringo wanabees”: Seems as if every Latin American with a little dough eventually jumps on his own Latin version of the…
Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #580- 07-29-2016 (FRI):   #1- Are you a clueless Gringo? The clueless outnumber the smart ones by probably 50…
Descriptions for THE ExPat Files Show #579 #1 Did you know experts claim the first (or second) most beautiful lake in the world is in…
Descriptions for TheExPat Files Show #578 #1- Your plan “B” involves moving your assets and 401ks to untouchable locations: here are a few tips #2-…
Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #576 #1- It could only happen in Latin America: Expat Eddie chimes in with another one of his unbelievable…
Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show #575 #1- Part 2 of the Mating, Dating, Love and Romance scene in Latin America: Today we hear relationship…
Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #574 #1-Things I can’t stand about Latin America- Part One: We have story about a trip to a Latin…
Jack discusses the consequences and likely developments from the historic vote yesterday for the UK to leave the European Union. The deep origins of the…