LOA Today – 12.24.15

Will Christmas ever come? Will I get what I want for Christmas? Those are the questions that countless children wonder about every year. When they become adults, they wonder the same thing about the Law of Attraction. They wonder if the thing they’re trying to manifest will ever come.
We call this week’s show, “Waiting For Christmas”.

LOA Today – 12.17.15

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the Law of Attraction hadn’t even been invented yet. Or had it? Maybe they called it something else. Maybe they called it The Force.

This week on LOA Today in celebration of the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we explore the similarities between the Law of Attraction and the Force.

The Force will be with you, always!

LOA Today – 10.29.15

Joel Elston ate out of a dumpster. Then he sat on a bench. Then he turned his life around. Well, it wasn’t quite that easy, but it’s a remarkable story nevertheless. This week we welcome back a previous guest, Joel Elston, in celebration of his new book, The Bench, a story of one’s man’s journey to health, happiness, and success, all by applying the Law of Attraction.