LOA Today – 09.24.15

Debra Oakland lost an infant daughter, a 21-year-old son, and two other family members in the same year. The losses were devastating, particularly in such a short spam of time, but she managed to overcome her grief and turn her life around with the Law of Attraction and with the power of positivity.

Today she joins us to talk about her new book to be released on November 7th of this year entitled, “Change Your Movie, Change Your Life: 7 Reel Concepts for Courageous Change.”

LOA Today – 07.09.15

Do you lack the motivation to get things done? If you’re like many people, you often find yourself feeling tired and wishing that the world would just go away. Perhaps you have goals and dreams that never seem to get any closer to fruition.

Well, we have the solution. Dope up. No, not THAT kind of dope. We’re talking about Dopamine!

This week on LOA Today we discuss the evidence that dopamine is the solution to everything from living a more happy and fulfilling life, to achieving our goals, to living with less stress and strain.

Even better, we tell you how to increase your dopamine without mainlining anything at all. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is!

LOA Today – 06.18.15

The Law of Attraction is a hoax, perpetrated against weak-minded people to deceive them into believing that they can attract whatever they want into their lives without having to work hard for what they want like everyone else.

You’ve heard the accusations, the ridicule, and the superior sneering. You’ve seen the rolling of the eyes.

Would it surprise you to know that science has proven their debunking to be wrong?

Uohna shares some fascinating scientific information with Mark and Walt regarding the respective roles of the Reticular Activating System (or RAS) and the Prefrontal Cortex in the brain, information that precisely parallels teachings by Law of Attraction gurus.

LOA Today – 06.11.15

It turns out that laughter really is the best medicine, whether you’re really sick or just needing to improve your life. In today’s show, Uohna discusses a series of studies that show direct biological and neurological connections between good health, happiness, and laughter. Who knew that watching Robin Williams or Richard Pryor do standup was so good for you?

LOA Today – 05.28.15

Feeling down? Depressed? Not up to every things?

Now you can feel better than you’ve ever felt before, and it doesn’t have to cost you a dime!

This week we discuss a scientific study that showed a direct correlation between regular exercise and overcoming severe depression. It turns out that even fast walking on a regular basis is just as effective as anti-depressive medication at helping severely depressed people to reverse their symptoms.

LOA Today – 05.14.15

You’ve been practicing the Law of Attraction, applying it in your life on a daily basis, and you’ve started to see some results. So what do you do when you want more?

Life is supposed to be abundant. In this week’s show, we talk about what it takes to bring more of the good stuff into your life.

LOA Today – 04.23.15

This week on LOA Today, we will devote the entire show to telling positive, motivating stories about how applying the Law of Attraction in our own lives has made a big difference, especially in the past couple of weeks! We decided we would try to do an entire show where we only mention positive stories without telling negative stories. Will …

LOA Today – 04.16.15

Do you pinch off? That’s the phrase that Abraham-Hicks and other Law of Attraction experts use to describe turning away from source energy. This week on LOA Today, we talk about pinching off … why we do it … how we do it … and how we can turn it around, start to feel good again, and start attracting what …

LOA Today – 04.02.15

If you’re feeling depressed, angry, afraid, frustrated, or facing some kind of crisis, how can you turn things around? The Law of Attraction teaches us that you have start feeling positive again even though you feel so negative. Such a requirement can seem overwhelming when you’re in the depths of despair. This week on LOA Today, we talk about physical …