Research Citations: Scientific Evidence for the Medical Use of Marijuana Progressive Radio Network, July 21, 2017 There has been increasing number of studies published in the medical literature revealing the medical use for marijuana, and in particular its two most important cannabinoids or phytochemicals, CB1 and CB2. Nevertheless, there remains a powerful and influential cartel of legislators who deny the …
Jim Tull – Positive Thinking in a Dark Age
I recall a Buddhist parable involving a stick that appears from a distance to be a snake, causing fear to rise in the perceiver. As the perception shifts upon closer examination, the fear subsides and the relieved hiker continues down the path. Understanding and awareness have a lot to do with how we feel and how we act. As hosts …
Expat Files – 12.23.16
#1- Recreational Drugs in Latin America: almost everything you wanted to know, err…almost.
Ilana Novick – The Power of Magical Thinking: Overnight a 300% Increase in Republicans Who Think the Economy Is Doing Better
While many Americans are questioning the validity of our polls, given that so many did a poor job of predicting Trump’s election, the Gallup Organization released a new one on Tuesday that provides insight into Republican’s economic views following the election. Apparently a white nationalist know nothing in the White House was not enough to dim their confidence in the economy. …
Lauren McCauley – Seriously ‘Sinister’ Big Pharma: Opioid Maker Bankrolls Opposition to Pro-Pot Referendum
It has been revealed that the maker of a powerful, addictive opioid drug is bankrolling the opposition to the effort to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use in Arizona. The Phoenix New Times reported Thursday that Insys Therapeutics, the company behind the fentanyl-based medication Subsys, made a $500,000 donation to the group Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy (ARDP), which is leading the …
New Study Reveals Medical Marijuana Saves Over $165 Million In Annual Medicare Costs In United States
Marijuana is dramatically gaining acceptance among the American public. Recently, a new poll by Gallup revealed that the percentage of American adults who smoke marijuana has nearly doubled in three years. According to the Gallup poll published in August 2016, among the American adults who participated in the survey, one in eight – representing 13% of the respondents used in the poll – …
Pratap Chatterjee – Drone Whistleblowers Step Out of the Shadows
In a trio of recent action-packed movies, good guys watch terrorists mingling with innocent women and children via real-time video feeds from halfway across the world. A clock ticks and we, the audience, are let in on the secret that mayhem is going to break loose. After much agonized soul-searching about possible collateral damage, the good guys call in a …
The Gary Null Show – 02.09.16
Dr. Uwe Blesching is a medical journalist and the chief editor of CHI Magazine. He specializes in mind-body medicine, natural evidence-based illness prevention and protocols and the benefits of cannabis and marijuana’s phytopharmacological properties. For twenty years, Uwe was a paramedic and emergency medical expert for the city of San Francisco. He hold degrees in the Humanities and Psychology and a doctorate in Higher Education and Social Change from the Western Institute for Social Research. In addition to publishing a global guide on the use of spices and herbs for food and medicine, he is the author of the recent “Cannabis Health Index” which presents the science from over 1000 research studies on marijuana’s medical and health benefits for over 100 chronic symptoms and diseases. His website is
Colorado Celebrates Legalization Anniversary: Massive Drop in Arrests and Millions in Tax Revenue
More than three years have passed since Colorado residents voted to legalize marijuana, which immediately allowed adults to possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana. This past New Year’s Day marked the two year anniversary[3] of adults being able to legally buy marijuana in Colorado. The policy is still in its formative stage, but the first year after marijuana sales [4] started in Colorado …
Medical Marijuana Patient Rights Under Attack Across the States – Jeremy Daw
From Washington State to Washington, D.C., successful cannabis legalization campaigns have consistently promised voters that they would preserve the rights of medical marijuana patients even while opening up access to all responsible adult use. But while campaign leaders have kept their promises, government officials in Washington, Oregon and Colorado have embarked on dishonest — and sometimes secretive — plans to …
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