Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Netanyahu is a War Criminal: Sign the Petition to the British Parliament. “Netanyahu to be Arrested when he arrives in London”

A Petition has been launched under the auspices of the British parliament calling for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu upon his official state visit to the United Kingdom scheduled for September.    The text of the petition is published on the UK Parliament website, It demands Netanyahu’s arrest upon his arrival:   Benjamin Netanyahu to be arrested for war …

Chris Hedges – Amnesty International: Protecting the ‘Human Rights’ of Johns, Pimps and Human Traffickers

The decision by Amnesty International’s decision-making forum, the International Council Meeting, to call for the decriminalization of prostitution is another in a long line of triumphs for heartless neoliberal economics and the grotesque commodification of human beings that defines predatory capitalism. Salil Shetty, secretary-general of Amnesty International, said: “Sex workers are one of the most marginalized groups in the world …

NATO and Russia ‘War Games’ Not Games At All

War games conducted by Russian and NATO forces go far beyond the hypothetical, raising the specter of a very real conflict on the European continent, a new study warns. According to the European Leadership Network (ELN), a think tank based in London, “[o]ver the last 18 months, against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, the relationship between Russia and …

Matthias Chang – The US King Dollar Has No Clothes. America’s “Toilet Paper Money”

The conventional wisdom is that no other currency in the world can support the global bond market save the US$ Toilet Paper Money. Therefore, we cannot do without the US$ toilet paper money! The so-called experts in economics, including the Nobel Laureates are always reciting the mantra of the global central banks led by the FED and the Bank of …

‘Secretive Dictatorship’ Exposed as Wikileaks Publishes Massive Trove of Saudi Cables – Sarah Lazare

WikiLeaks on Friday began publishing more than half a million top-secret documents from Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry, including communications from Saudi embassies across the globe, information from other state institutions, and correspondence with foreign entities. While analysts have not yet pored through the documents, the files are poised to expose the Saudi government, whose atrocious human rights record is being put on …

Apple Pay Coming to Britain this Summer, Moving the World Closer to a Global Cashless Society By Steven MacMillan

This summer, Apple is set to introduce its “contactless payment technology” Apple Pay to Britain, shortly after a secret meeting was reported to have taken place in London to “end cash”. The iPhone is already fitted with a wireless microchip which can be used to pay in a similar manner to contactless cards, with The Telegraph suggesting Apple Pay could be rolled …

The Great Grief: How To Cope with Losing Our World – Per Espen Stoknes

Climate scientists overwhelmingly say that we will face unprecedented warming in the coming decades. Those same scientists, just like you or I, struggle with the emotions that are evoked by these facts and dire projections. My children—who are now 12 and 16—may live in a world warmer than at any time in the previous 3 million years, and may face challenges that we are only …

Why The Powers That Be Are Pushing A Cashless Society

Martin Armstrong summarizes the headway being made to ban cash,  and argues that the goal of those pushing a cashless society is to prevent bank runs … and increase their control: The central banks are … planning drastic restrictions on cash itself. They see moving to electronic money will first eliminate the underground economy, but secondly, they believe it will even prevent …

Chelsea Manning and the Deepwater Horizon Killings – Greg Palast

The military whistleblower’s 2010 Wikileaks dump included information that could have saved the 11 BP workers who died that spring in the Gulf of Mexico oil rig disaster. Five years ago Monday, 11 men died on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig — despite Chelsea Manning’s effort to save their lives. Let me explain. The BP drilling rig blew itself to …

Japan Scientist: “I’ve never seen this before” — White lungs found in dolphins that died during mass stranding near Fukushima

Google Translate: Ibaraki Prefecture… for a large amount of dolphin which was launched on the shore… the National Science Museum… investigated… researchers rushed from national museums and university laboratory, about 30 people were the anatomy of the 17 animals in the field. [According to Yuko Tajima] who led the investigation… “the lungs of most of the 17… was pure white ischemic state, …