Updates on critique of Uber and gig economy; WI Sen Johnson endorses inequality; Norway to pay male and female athletes same; corporations buy back their own shares; deaths of overworked Japanese; 10% NY school kids homeless; and majority of major US corporations already pay much below official 35% tax rate. Major discussion of changing economics of socialism. Download this …
The Working Life Podcast With Jonathan Tasini – UBER & LYFT ARE BAD, BAD COMPANIES; BIG UNION WIN AT THE LATIMES! – 01.25.18
Yeah, I get it: you like Uber and Lyft because it’s the “new thing” in the app-centered corporate world. But, know this: Uber and Lyft are very bad corporate actors, stomping around the country, using right-wing, anti-consumer, anti-union tactics, to trash fundamental rights in every state—as I learn from Rebecca Smith, co-author of an incredible study about the nefarious tactics …
Visionaries – 09.25.17
“Tina Seelig.” Tina is Professor of the Practice in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Tina is also a faculty director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, the entrepreneurship center at Stanford University’s School of Engineering. She teaches courses on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. She is the author of “What I Wish I Knew When I …
Economic Update – Housing Crisis US – 03.19.17
“Updates on FED and interest rates, new US and China inequality data, BLS on wage stagnation, Ford and GM build factories in China, more Big bankers join Trump. Interview with Walter South on US housing crisis.”
Leid Stories – 11.25.15
Protests Over Police Killing in Chicago Met with Platitudes
Want Justice? Hold On to Your Cash This Holiday Season!
A police cruiser’s dashcam videotape that showed the brutal killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by former Chicago Police Department cop Jason Van Dyke on Oct. 20 last year touched off a new round of protest yesterday after its court-ordered release. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy were quick to call for calm and order, but local activists are demanding accountability and long-overdue justice in the case.
Leid Stories proposes a way that everyone can contribute to the cause of justice in our society: Hold on to your cash this holiday season.