#1- I told you so! Today we have proof that the majority of Latin countries are now in the active stages of tightening their immigration and residency requirements for foreigners (that means gringos). Today we excerpt a trusted Panama media source outlining how residency requirements and tourist visa renewal laws are changing right now in Panama listing Latin countries that …
Expat Files – 04.09.17
#1- Today we discuss how expats get drug prescriptions from Latin doctors and what happens when visiting a Latin pharmacy
Meria Heller – News of Planet of the Apes – 04.02.17
3/30/17 News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Nunes the storyteller; need an independent investigation;US ups wars and war dead;N.C. repeals bathroom bill;Fukushima radiation poisoning the world; latest trump horror bills;Westinghouse bankrupt;Fed.Court halts trump muslim ban indefinitely;Mexico trumps trump; tourism takes a beating under trump’s “ameriKKKa”; Phoenix makes huge deal with Mexico;trump vs. Republicans;leaders ripped off charities and towns;Ivanka in WH; 15 felonies for phony PP video makers;Brexit;no coal jobs coming back; no internet privacy-activists respond;DNC resignations;Dakota pipeline flows;More troops to Iraq,Yemen & Afghanistan;Sessions vs. sanctuary cities; lawsuit against Sessions;Bridgegate sentences;Iowa’s new ridiculous abortion bill;Canada moves to legalize cannabis;Kushner & Russia ties (lost big deal with China); trump created 35 jobs, destroyed thousands;trump/Russia/Mobs/FBI (must read); Russian protests; and more insanity.
It’s All About Food – Alan Roettinger, Eat Smart, Live Joyfully – 03.21.17
Part I: Alan Roettinger, Eat Smart, Live Joyfully
Expat Files – 03.12.17
#1- Ten critical things Expats need to know before they consider hiring a Latin building contractor or construction work crew #2- Things you should expect to experience when living in a gated/guarded community #3-Security cameras for Expats. Should you have them? Are they necessary? #4- The use and abuse of DRONES in Latin America. Yes, all the latest and greatest …
Expat Files – 03.10.17
#6- MY NEXT EXPAT “INSIDER” SEMINAR will be Saturday July 8th thru Thursday July 13th 2017 in and around Guatemala, Central America. Just go to www.thenewexpat.com and click on the seminar link for full signup info.
Expat Files – 03.05.17
#1- Latins go to extremes when it comes to religion and have some Christian beliefs that you have to see (or hear) to believe… and here are just a few of them..
Expat Files – 03.03.17
#1- The latest travel problems, worries and inconveniences: airports, airlines, TSA and more.
Expat Files – 02.24.17
#1- When your rough Spanish really kicks into high gear:
There are unpredictable good a bad things that happens when you finally start understanding bits and pieces of what’s being said around you. How and when that hallelujah moment of clarity finally does happen comes differently for all of us clueless expats. Even so, after that it’s not “damn the torpedoes” full speed ahead either. Confidence will build and then overconfidence will disappoint along with some noticeable backsliding…
Expat Files – 02.19.17
#1-Spanish is not the only language the local Latins speak. Chances are that your cleaning lady/maid and the small shopkeepers will speak one of the 25 or so indigenous languages as well- nope, not to you but to each other. Yes, the sounds they make will confuse and baffle, but they’ll also speak Spanish to you (and maybe 20 words of English too).