Expat Files – 07.31.15

-A few words about those strange and sometimes wonderful middle-class Latin yard parties and celebrations because you’ll be invited to attend these events now and again(maybe way too often).   -Prepare and get your earplugs ready for the rockets and fireworks when your neighbors have their weekend events and parties. Sometimes those things can get very loud and go well …

David Morris – Yes, trade deals really do overturn democracy

Forget tariffs, forget Obama’s promises. The whole point of modern ‘trade agreements’ is to whack pesky labor, environment and health laws, writes David Morris, and so empower capital and corporate power against regulators, governments and democracy itself. Unconvinced? Just imagine what these deals would look like if they were there to empower people. New trade agreements like the TPP largely …

Andre Vltchek – The Anti-Imperalist News Networks in Latin America, Russia and China

It is a breathtaking, truly beautiful battle, and those of us who are at the front line of it, by making films, writing for or speaking on the airwaves of the anti-imperialist networks, are thoroughly determined to give our very best, and if necessary, even to risk our lives! Mighty new television networks based in South America, Russia, China and …

Dark Tower – Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex Ivana Trump once accused the real-estate tycoon of ‘rape,’ although she later clarified: not in the ‘criminal sense.’ Donald Trump introduced his presidential campaign to the world with a slur against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of being “rapists” and bringing crime into the country. “I mean somebody’s doing it!… Who’s doing …

Trumping America By Henry A. Giroux

Donald Trump lit up the mainstream media spectacle by stating in his presidential candidacy announcement, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best…. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” (1) The mainstream press could not let such an opportune racist outburst go unnoticed. After all, it was perfect fodder for fueling …

EXCLUSIVE: Why SB 277 will totally backfire on the vaccine industry and uncover the truth about vaccine science fraud by Mike Adams

One of the reasons vaccine propagandists are so cognitively impaired is because they’ve all been partially brain damaged by the very same vaccines they keep pushing on everyone else. As a result, not a single one of them had yet come to realize how they’ve painted themselves into a corner with SB 277. In fact, SB 277 will disastrously backfire on the …

What NAFTA can teach us about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal By MICHAEL MUSKAL

The Obama administration this week will continue to wrestle with reluctant congressional Democrats seeking a compromise to advance the president’s hoped-for legacy of expanding trading relations with Asia. Although a variety of political concerns color the debate, the heart of the issue is economic: whether expanding free trade is good for the U.S. economy and for American workers, a key …

WikiLeaks Releases Section of Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement That Would Affect Health Care – KEVIN GOSZTOLA

WikiLeaks has released a draft of an annex of a secret Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, which would likely enable pharmaceutical companies to fight the ability of participating governments to control the rise of drug prices. It would empower companies to mount challenges to Medicare in the United States. For a number of years, the US and eleven other countries—Australia, Brunei, …

10 Reasons the TPP Is Not a ‘Progressive’ Trade Agreement by Ralph Nader

“We have an opportunity to set the most progressive trade agreement in our nation’s history,” it states on BarackObama.com, the website of the president’s “Organizing for Action” campaign. One must seriously question what President Obama and his corporate allies believe to be the definition of “progressive” when it comes to this grandiose statement. History shows the very opposite of progress …

Arizona Continues Record Pace of Taking Children out of Homes into State Custody – Now 1 of every 100 Children in Foster Care

Ever since the inception of MedicalKidnap.com in the fall of 2014, we have been reporting that the State of Arizona has the highest percentage of any other state in the U.S. in taking children out of their homes and putting them into foster care. Are we to believe that there are more criminal, abusive parents in Arizona than anywhere else? …