Expat Files – 12.30.16

#1- Driving your car from the US to Latin America(or not): Though its not normally recommended that you drive down, just in case you’re the adventurous type and want to roll the dice, here are a few tips … #2- Tips on buying a car in Latin America: mostly what NOT to do. #3 -Mexico’s complicated rules of car ownership …

Trump’s Trickle-Down Populism

Last Thursday President-elect Donald Trump triumphantly celebrated Carrier’s decision to reverse its plan to close a furnace plant and move jobs to Mexico. Some 800 jobs will remain in Indianapolis. “Corporate America is going to have to understand that we have to take care of our workers,” Trump told The New York Times. “The free market has been sorting it …

Looking into the Eyes of Central American Refugees in a Time of Hate and Fear

When I crossed the border, a man with his shirt unbuttoned down to his belly and sweat pouring down his chest took my passport, glanced at it for no more than two seconds, then stamped it with a smile and cheerily barked to me “welcome to Mexico.” My entry into Mexico couldn’t have been easier, because I’m from Australia and …

Alexandra Rosenmann – Anthropologist: Why the Collapse of Mayan Civilization Could Resemble What We Are in for as Donald Trump Takes Office

The Mayan civilization is famous for its collapse, but could something similar happen in the near future? At least one expert on the region says yes. American anthropologist and archeologist Arthur Andrew Demarest has studied Mesopotamia for nearly four decades. And while pundits ponder the collapse of the two-party system, Demarest insists Americans should think bigger. “Almost all civilizations collapse, especially complex …

ANDREW O’HEHIR – It can happen here: But has it? The 1933 scenario is no longer hypothetical

We have crossed the river of history into a new country, and there’s no way back. Now we are stumbling around, amid the gathering darkness, and trying to figure out whether anything in this alien landscape is recognizable. Will the presidency of Donald Trump — an eventuality unforeseen by anyone, including Trump himself — resemble things that have happened before? …

DAVE COOKE – Déjà Vu: Shoddy Economic Study Touted by Automakers Flaunts Facts

The mid-term evaluation of fuel economy standards is in full swing, and with the close of the public comment period on the Technical Assessment Report from the federal agencies, we now have a better understanding of the types of arguments being used by automakers as they try to weaken the federal passenger vehicle efficiency standards—to no one’s surprise, it relies …

Kenya: Health secretary blocks planned testing of GMO maize

The article below reports that in Kenya, the health secretary has rejected a planned trial of GM maize, “dealing a big blow to scientists and global seed companies, who have been pushing for policy change on the controversial crop science”. Note that this quote from Francis Karin, a senior research assistant at the Tegemeo Institute at Egerton University, is a …

How the CIA and Other Spies Have Collaborated With Drug Traffickers All Over the World

I’m not a fan of conspiracy theories. Whenever I see someone share Facebook memes about Eurabia, chemtrails, the New World Order, Nazi UFOs or how Bush did 9/11, I roll my eyes. I mean, is it really so hard to believe that some pissed-off nut-jobs could have hijacked a plane and crashed it—instead of its being part of some over-complicated …

Science in crisis: from the sugar scam to Brexit, our faith in experts is fading

This is a Foundation Essay for The Conversation Global. Our series of Foundation Essays provide an in-depth investigation of a particular global challenge. In this piece, Andrea Saltelli asks what’s behind the worldwide crisis in science. Worldwide, we are facing a joint crisis in science and expertise. This has led some observers to speak of a post-factual democracy – with Brexit and the …