Expat Files – 09.23.16

#1-Food shopping at a big, chaotic, outdoor Latin market is a real adventure. Contrary to what these places look like- blind alleys, weird sights and smells- they really are totally safe and fun. So don’t worry if you’re the only gringo/gringa in a sea of a hundred plus short, brown faces. You’ll always be treated like a special visitor. However, …

Franklin Frederick – Trade Agreements and the Globalization of Fascism

Going east or west from Switzerland one would have to cross at least half the planet before reaching the Pacific Ocean. This distance alone makes it very unlikely that Switzerland would get involved with the Pacific Alliance (PA) or in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). However, the Swiss based transnational Nestlé is very much engaged with the PA and its objectives. Nestlé also seems to …

Leid Stories—Election 2016: All the World’s A Stage, and Donald Trump’s On It—09.01.16

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s hasty, fly-by meeting yesterday with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico served as a backdrop for a speech he made later in the day at a rally in Phoenix to present his policies on immigration.

Alicia Graef – Why Millions of Monarchs Are Being Killed in Mexico

While international efforts are under way to help keep dwindling populations of monarch butterflies from disappearing, scientists are raising concerns about how severe weather and a loss of forest habitat at their wintering grounds in Mexico are affecting them. Every year, monarchs embark on an epic multigenerational migration that takes them thousands of miles from Canada and the U.S. in search of …

Alternative Visions – Trump’s Speech: Pandering to Working Class Discontent – 07.22.16

Jack examines in detail Trump’s acceptance speech and its non-traditional Republican themes criticizing Free Trade, US national debt, NAFTA, China, offshoring, taxes, military spending-NATO, and related topics. Trade issues are paramount but represent pandering to working class discontent over the loss of jobs, wage income decline, and chronic US economic insecurity since 2000. Trump’s specific proposals for trade are dissected, including his claims to ‘tear up’ NAFTA, impose 35%-45% tariffs on Mexico and China, stop China currency manipulation, offshoring, anti-immigration wall, etc.—all of which represent pandering to working class discontent. Trumponomics = ‘Law and Order First’ economic recovery plan. How Trump is cleverly targeting disaffected working class voters in key swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida as key to an electoral victory in November. Jack predicts the election outcome will depend on who, Trump or Clinton, is able to turn in those states the white working class, un- and under-employed 20-something youth, Hispanic, and independents voting blocs in those key states. Who has the bigger base, and who (Trump or Hillary) can turn out more of that base in these key states will determine the outcome. Trump has the advantage currently in turnout, Jack concludes as Hispanics and disaffected youth may sit home during the election. Trump could win. Much will depend on the TV debates.

Alternative Visions – Trump, Free Trade, and the Global Slowdown – 07.15.16

A centerpiece of Trump’s campaign, that is gaining support for him among white working class voters in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, is his attack on free trade treaties from NAFTA to TPP. Today’s show examines the conditions behind the current stagnation of global trade the past 18 months, growing wage stagnation and income inequality in the US, and increasing US voters’ associating of their loss of quality jobs and declining wages with free trade. Dr. Rasmus briefly reviews policies in China, Japan, Europe, and the slowing of world trade. How US economic elites—from the Business Roundtable and others— are becoming terrified of Trump’s successful manipulation of voter discontent with free trade. The elements of Trump’s position on trade are discussed, including ‘tearing up’ treaties, imposing tariffs on Mexico and China, charges of China as currency manipulator, tax policy incentives encouraging job offshoring, and US visa policies. Jack critiques Trump’s positions and concludes that Trump—like Obama before and Hillary now—is simply pandering to the discontent and will reverse his promises on trade if elected. Pandering to the trade issue, however, may just provide Trump enough votes to win key states’ electoral majorities.

Ellen Brown – As the War on Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be the Big Winner?

The war on cannabis that began in the 1930s seems to be coming to an end. Research shows that this natural plant, rather than posing a deadly danger to health, has a wide range of therapeutic benefits. But skeptics question the sudden push for legalization, which is largely funded by wealthy investors linked to Big Ag and Big Pharma.  In …

Expat Files – 06.26.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show #573

#1- Latins tend to mix English and Metric weights and measures with no apparent rhyme or reason. It seems crazy to us. Today we have some common but weird examples of how new Expats can easily get frustrated and confused. Bottom line, you should bone up on kilometers, meters, kilos, liters and centimeters before coming down

#2– Just when you thought Bitcoin was dead.. its back again with a vengeance as Mexico becomes the first country to roll out a phone app that lets you buy and sell Bitcoin in grocery stores and make store-wide purchases.

#3- Machetes 101: Today we discuss Machetes as fashion statements, Machete Zen, Machete etiquette and the mystique of the female Machete user

#4- Chef schools, Culinary classes and courses are the latest hobby/fad among upscale Latin American ladies of leisure and their entitled kids. Seems every nice shopping all has one or two small but well-equipped culinary schools. However there’s a big turnover and most places don’t last a year

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Leslee Goodman – A Monthly Income Just for Being Human, and Other Sensible Ideas

Unconditional basic income, a policy option that seems radical by American standards, is gaining new traction across Europe, Canada, and even a few places in the United States. Also known as “universal basic income,” the policy mandates a guaranteed stipend to every resident of a community, with no strings attached. It is promoted as a way to address rising inequality, …

Austin Bailey – 1,000,000,000 Birds – Just Gone

Graphic from the State of North American Birds report. The just released State of North America’s Birds report is grim reading.  Based on a comprehensive evaluation of species population size and trends, ranges and threat severity the assessment reaches a stark conclusion.  A billion birds have disappeared from North America since 1970, and a third of bird species across the continent are threatened …