In the tumultuous week following the 2016 elections, Monsanto and its minions are moving fast to tighten their control over our food and farming system. Emboldened by the prospect of another pro-industrial-agriculture administration, they’re plowing ahead—with total disregard for public health, and blanket dismissal of the warnings pouring in from independent scientists. Politico, which obtained a list of Trump’s talking points …
Wenonah Hauter – Three Massive Mergers—Millions for One Bank and a Disaster for Food, Water and Climate
You probably learned in high school that monopolies are bad for consumers; they eliminate the field of competition in the marketplace, leaving people with fewer options and higher prices. Mega-mergers in the food and energy markets are allowing a handful of corporations to dominate market sectors. Their market dominance means that when it comes to influencing public policy, politically powerful …
Ronnie Cummins – The Long March Against Monsanto: A Letter from The Hague
We are today in the midst of a battleground for two very different approaches to agriculture. One is the agro-ecological approach based on the use of open source traditional seeds based on biodiversity and living in harmony with nature. The other is the mechanistic world of an industrial system based on monocultures, one-way extraction and the use of pesticides, poisons …
Free Online: How to Stop Roundup in Your Community
Sign up HERE now! Join Jeffrey Smith for a Free Live Webinar featuring Strategies, Tips, and Advice from Experts. Bring Your Questions. October 22, 2016 9-11 Pacific Monsanto claims its Roundup herbicide is safe. But that is NOT TRUE. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, was declared a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Cancer Research in …
The Hague, 16 October 2016: Monsanto and the Poison Cartel are guilty of crimes against our planet and humanity. This is the verdict from the People’s Assembly organized in the Hague alongside the Monsanto Tribunal. The voices of the soil, of the seeds, of farmers, consumers, and of people from all over world converged and reverberated in a new unity …
Kenya: Health secretary blocks planned testing of GMO maize
The article below reports that in Kenya, the health secretary has rejected a planned trial of GM maize, “dealing a big blow to scientists and global seed companies, who have been pushing for policy change on the controversial crop science”. Note that this quote from Francis Karin, a senior research assistant at the Tegemeo Institute at Egerton University, is a …
Ken Roseboro – Largest-ever study finds GM crops increased herbicide use by 28 percent
A new study has found that widespread adoption of genetically modified crops has increased the use of weed-killing herbicides as weeds become more resistant, while decreasing the use of insecticides. University of Virginia economist Federico Ciliberto led the largest study of genetically modified crops and pesticide use to date, alongside Edward D. Perry of Kansas State University, David A. Hennessy …
Courtney Sexton – 5 Actions You Can Take To Celebrate World Food Day
Wendell Berry once said “the Earth is what we all have in common.” It is one of my favorite quotes to return to when I’m getting down and out about the unrest in the world, and particularly, as of late, the extreme socio-political divisions here in the U.S. that have put many of us at odds with our neighbors. I …
Maryam Henein – Monsanto-Bayer: The Year of Merging Dangerously
The Big Ag tech giants Monsanto — maker of Agent Orange, genetically modified seeds and weed-whacking chemicals — and Bayer — famed for manufacturing poison gas for Nazi concentration camp use, heroin, baby aspirin and systemic pesticides — are merging. Food security advocates, consumers and non-zombies worldwide are deeply concerned. CNN Money declared the Monsanto-Bayer merger “the year’s biggest takeover.” …
The Gary Null Show – 10.10.16
GMOs and the Mentality of Propaganda Control
Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null