Stamping my feet on the frozen ground of the National Mall on a bitter cold morning in January 2009, I didn’t think we had gathered to welcome a climate president. Foremost in my mind, at that time and in that place, were the seemingly endless war in Iraq, the reeling economy, and the uneasy footing of marriage equality. As with …
NORMAN POLLACK – Reichstag 1938 / Washington 2017
We are all Muslims. Either that, or we shall be torn apart as a nation, given over to Trump-Republicans’ vomit of hate for all that defines human rights and a free society. It gets worse by the minute, the immigration issue merely code for venting spleen on a whole range of issues intimately connected with America’s loss of undisputed pre-eminence …
Deirdre Fulton – War on Facts Sparks Momentum for Scientists’ March on Washington
The Trump-Pence administration’s war on facts may have galvanized the next major demonstration in the nation’s capital—the Scientists’ March on Washington, which is as yet unscheduled but is garnering significant enthusiasm online. Spurred by the new administration’s stance on climate change, muzzling of scientists, and slashing of environmental regulations, the idea grew out of a Reddit thread started in the …
Nika Knight – In Photos: Women’s Marches on All Seven Continents Demand ‘A Better Future’
The second day of the Trump administration has seen an unprecedented wave of protests swell across the globe, as the Women’s March on Washington and its sister marches on all continents—yes, including Antarctica—fight back against the U.S. president’s frightening rhetoric. Organizers’ informal tally now puts the total number of march participants at a stunning 2.5 million around the world. And with …
CJ HOPKINS – How America Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the War on Terror
The “War on Terror,” which former President George W. Bush officially launched in late-September 2001, and which President Obama officially rebranded as “The Series of Persistent Targeted Efforts to Dismantle Specific Networks of Violent Extremists That Threaten America” in May 2013, has, at this point (i.e. fifteen years into it), become our official consensus reality … or in other words, …
Resistance Radio – Dominic DiPaolo – 09.11.16
Dominic DiPaolo is a field botanist and vegetation ecologist who lives and works in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of southwest Oregon and northern California. For the past fifteen years he has studied the ecology and history of the forests, woodlands, shrub lands and grasslands of this diverse and complex region as well as gotten to know as many of its non-human inhabitants as possible. He has recently published work on the historical vegetation of the Applegate Valley in Oregon and is currently developing vegetation cover maps for Crater Lake National Park and Lava Beds National Monument. Today we talk about some of the excuses used by the timber industry, the government, and “environmental organizations” like The Nature Conservancy to facilitate deforestation.
Report lists Grand Canyon’s Colorado River as most imperiled
According to conservation outfit American Rivers, the section of the Colorado River flowing through the Grand Canyon is most endangered freshwater way in the United States. Every year since 1984, American Rivers puts out its “America’s Most Endangered Rivers” report. This year’s report lists threats like harmful human development, groundwater depletion and uranium mines as just a few of the …