Connect The Dots – Kiss the Ground – 11.22.17

Kiss the Ground: Listen to Josh Tickell, award-winning filmmaker and author of upcoming book, Kiss The Ground, as well as a film of the same name (Executive Produced by Leonardo di Caprio) on the climate costs of conventional agriculture and how that can be corrected by ecologically mindful agriculture — in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right …

Will Organic Cattle Be Pumped Full of GMO Vaccines?

We must act to maintain the integrity of organic standards! Action Alert!  The semiannual meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) will take place April 25–27 in Washington, DC. Because the NOSB makes decisions that, in large part, determine the future of organic foods (it’s the advisory board for the National Organic Program, or NOP), ANH-USA has been engaged with …

Steve Volk – Suspended USDA scientist says agency tried to block his research into harmful effects of pesticides

A prominent Agriculture Department scientist is alleging that he was suspended after complaining that the agency was blocking his research into the harmful effects of pesticides on pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. In a whistleblower complaint filed Wednesday, Jonathan Lund­gren, an entomologist and 11-year veteran of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, says his supervisors retaliated against him by suspending …

Certified Naturally Grown: A New Way to Identify Pesticide-Free, Non-GMO Food

Eco-conscious shoppers now have an alternative to organic food that has been certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as Certified Naturally Grown (CNG). The equally pesticide-free method of farming is being used by a growing number of small farmers who cannot afford the expense of getting an organic certification from the USDA. Naturally grown farming, considered to be the grassroots alternative to certified organic …

11% of organic farms near drilling in US, potentially 31% in future

Currently, 11% (2,140 of 19,515 total) of all U.S. organic farms share a watershed with active O&G drilling. Additionally, this percentage could rise up to 31% if unconventional O&G drilling continues to grow. Organic farms represent something pure for citizens around the world. They produce food that gives people more certainty about consuming chemical-free nutrients in a culture that is …