Expat Files – 09.24.17

#1- (Anti)Social Media in Latin America and how its negatively affecting the local population: Yes, a certain small percentage of middle and upper-class Latins are addicted to Twitter and Facebook (who’d a thunk?) They have even invented a new vocabulary word for those particular stupid addictions. That said, about 80% of Latinos with little or no discretionary income have found …

Economic Update – “Trumponomics Exposed” – 01.29.17

“Updates on Basic economy airfares, Trump-May delusions, drop in US union membership, Trump’s attacks on Mexico and TPP, elite colleges vs state schools. Major discussion of (1) what ‘capitalism’ means and (2) fake ‘jobs’ policies.”

Robert Reich – Six reasons why Trump’s wall is even dumber than most of his other ideas

At his turbulent news event last Wednesday (I won’t dignify it by calling it a news conference), Trump reiterated that he will build a wall along the Mexican border. “It’s not a fence. It’s a wall,” he said, and “Mexico will pay for the wall.” Here are 6 reasons why Trump’s wall is an even dumber idea than most of …

Leid Stories—Election 2016: All the World’s A Stage, and Donald Trump’s On It—09.01.16

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s hasty, fly-by meeting yesterday with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico served as a backdrop for a speech he made later in the day at a rally in Phoenix to present his policies on immigration.

Leah Penniman – Four Ways Mexico’s Indigenous Farmers Are Practicing the Agriculture of the Future How can we get the most out of our farmland without harming the planet? I traveled to rural Mexico to learn from indigenous farmers.

Affectionately called “Professor” by his neighbors, Josefino Martinez is a well-respected indigenous farmer and community organizer from the remote town of Chicahuaxtla, in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. He watched with patient attention as I showed him photographs of Soul Fire Farm, my family’s organic farm in the mountains of upstate New York. Western agronomists would have us believe that …