s Donald Trump’s campaign predictably moves from toxic rhetoric targeting the most marginalized minorities to threats and use of violence, there is a growing sense that American institutions have been too lax about resisting it. Political scientist Brendan Nyhan on Sunday posted a widely cited Twitter essay voicing this concern, arguing that “Trump’s rise represents a failure in American parties, media, and civic institutions — …
John Perkins – The Deeper, Darker Meaning Behind Not Closing Guantánamo
The other night on John Oliver’s HBO program, I saw a funny montage of President Obama repeatedly stating his intention to close Guantanamo. In the beginning, the youthful president was unequivocal. But with each successive news clip—and as his hair became increasingly grayer—Mr. Obama became less emphatic. He was practically conciliatory in his last public statement about closing the offshore …
Peter Van Buren – Texas Academics Told to Avoid ‘Sensitive Topics’ to Prevent Angering Armed Students
Here’s another swanky benefit of our out-of-control gun culture: university professors should be aware that their students might shoot them. The Texas state legislature voted last year to allow students to carry concealed handguns into classrooms, dorms, just about anywhere on campus, a practice with roots to when Socrates taught Aristotle. If students packing seems like a bad idea to …
Kevin Gosztola – Clinton Campaign Relies On Rumors And Dishonesty To Attack Sanders
From misleading voters about what Bernie Sanders would do to their healthcare to creating the perception that Sanders is dishonest about his involvement in the civil rights movement, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has developed a significant record of entirely disingenuous attacks. It is not as if presidential candidates should not attack each others’ records or their positions on key issues. …
Paul Craig Roberts – Are Americans Too Insouciant To Survive?
When one looks at the deplorable state of the world, one cannot help but wonder at the insouciance of the American people. Where are they? Do they exist or are they a myth? Have they been put to sleep by an evil demon? Are they so lost in The Matrix that they cannot get out? Ever since Clinton’s second term …
These Are the World’s Most Miserable Economies
Thanks to off-the-charts inflation, Venezuela will probably retain the dubious honor of being the most miserable economy for a second year. Galloping inflation at an annual average of 98.3 percent last year alongside 6.8 percent unemployment earned the South American country the runaway top spot on the 2015 misery index. With no end in sight for Venezuela’s economic woes — estimates in Bloomberg surveys predict consumer price growth of …
Leid Stories – 02.09.16
Leak at NY Nuclear Power Plant Again Raises Safety Issue
Haiti: A Horror Show As Clinton’s Toady President Leaves Office
It was to be a raucous Mardi Gras in Haiti today, the annual carnival celebration coinciding with the election of a new president. Instead, a somber mood envelops the country. Michel Martelly, the singer Hillary Clinton helped install as president, left office on Feb. 7 and left total chaos in his wake—postponed elections, a now-leaderless country, violence and turmoil in the streets, and a legacy of corruption that harkens back to the Duvalier regime of 30 years ago. Kim Ives, editor of Haïti Liberté, discusses the current situation.
Paul DeRienzo, who has been reporting on “America’s Fukushima”—actual and looming disasters of America’s nuclear program and at several nuclear power plants—discusses a radioactive leak into the ground water beneath the Indian Point nuclear facility in Buchanan, N.Y., that was found to be 65,000-percent higher than “normal” levels.
Sanders Vows To Kill TPP If Elected. Will Clinton?
As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free-trade” agreement was signed in New Zealand by representatives of the 12 participating countries, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders strongly voiced his opposition and committed to doing what he can to kill the deal if he is elected president. Rival Hillary Clinton has also stated opposition to the TPP, but will she also vow to …
Leid Stories – 02.04.16
President Obama on Islam, Terrorism, Race and the American Way
In a highly publicized speech he delivered yesterday at the Islamic Society of Baltimore—his first visit to a U.S. mosque as head of state—President Barack Obama ostensibly was playing the role of Domestic Peacemaker in Chief, calling for religious tolerance and a rekindling of the Jeffersonian/Founding Fathers’ commitment to religious freedom for all Americans.
Lawdy, Lawdy, so wrong in so many ways, says Leid Stories of Obama’s speech.
Trends This Week – Recovery or Recession? Fact or fiction? – 02.03.16
World renowned forecaster Gerald Celente revisits President Obama’s State of the Union address last month when the president stated: “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Breaking down the fact-based reasons why global recession, one of the Trends Research Institute’s Top Trends of 2016, is inevitable and Obama is the one “peddling fiction,” Celente serves up the facts – growing in number and relevance – to paint a true picture of economies worldwide and what those indicators mean to you. He further explains how global recession will feed social unrest, which is a key indicator of war on the horizon – the “Last World War,” another Top Trend for 2016.