Netanyahu Deserves the Israeli People, and They Deserve Him

The first conclusion that arose just minutes after the announcement of the exit polls was particularly discouraging: The nation must be replaced. Not another election for the country’s leadership, but general elections to choose a new Israeli people – immediately. The country urgently needs that. It won’t be able to stand another term for Benjamin Netanyahu, who emerged last night …

The Militarists and Haters Win in Israeli Elections

Winners:  Netanyahu, AIPAC, , US Republican Party, Sheldon Adelson (American Jewish billionaire funder of the right), Hamas, Islamic State, the right-wing Mullahs in Iran. Losers: Israeli, World Jewry, the Palestinian people, the forces for peace and non-violence everywhere, the Palestinian Authority, the people of Iran, the people of the U.S. According to Israeli newspapers reporting on the outcome of the …

Israel Votes Apartheid

Benjamin Netanyahu is truly a magician. Just this past Friday, most polls indicated that his Likud party would likely receive around 21 seats in the Israeli Knesset, four seats less than Yitzhak (Bougie) Herzog’s Zionist Camp (Labor Party’s new name). Revelations of corruption at the Prime Minister’s residence followed by a damning comptroller report about the real estate crisis, alongside …

Netanyahu Unmasks Israel

Desperate to win reelection, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stripped off Israel’s mask and exposed the ugliness that has deformed his country over the past several decades. He abandoned the subterfuge of a two-state solution, exposed the crass racism that underlies Israeli politics, and revealed Israel’s blatant control of the U.S. Congress. For years, these realities were known to many …

A Neocon Admits the Plan to Bomb Iran

Not exactly known for truthfulness, U.S. neocons have been trying to reassure the American people that sinking a negotiated deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program would be a painless proposition, but at least one prominent neocon, Joshua Muravchik, acknowledges that the alternative will be war – and he likes the idea. On Sunday, the neocon Washington Post allowed …

On Eve of Election, Netanyahu Promises No Palestinian State If Re-Elected

On the eve of national elections in Israel, politically-embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that if he and his Likud Party were returned to power for another term he would make sure that an independent Palestinian state would not come into being. The comments come as a reversal of official Israeli government policy which, like the U.S. government, states that …

The Global Currency Wars – Jack Rasmus

Capitalism is by nature based on intense, and often destructive, competition.  Not only between capital and labor, but between capitalists themselves. But not all competition is the same. There is competition when the global economic pie is growing; and there is competition when it is stagnating or declining.  And in recent months signs are growing that new forms of more …

Jews in Paris, London, New York and Los Angeles want Peace and an End to the Likud Zionist Policies that Drive Global Anti-Semitism

The expected result of a new coalition government in Israel’s Knesset on March 17, headed by a new prime minister who really wants a political settlement with the indigenous Palestinian people – now numbering over 5 million – is the fervent hope of so many Jewish communities around the world in Paris, London, NY and LA – and, yes, also in …

Netanyahu flails against int’l conspiracy, as liberal Zionists seek orange revolution against ‘fading strongman’

Israel’s illusion that it is at the center of the known universe is now shared by a lot of American commentators. The mood is even more intense because liberal Zionists sense a historic election in which Benjamin Netanyahu goes down and is replaced by the center-left. Haaretz’s Barak Ravid is mocking the prime minister’s statements about outside influence:  Netanyahu says …

AIPAC Busting up Peace Efforts

Early in the morning of March 3, on AIPAC’s national lobby day and just hours before Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was set to address the joint session of Congress, AIPAC President Robert Cohen, along with the group’s Policy Director and two associates, briskly approached the Congressional office of Speaker of the House John Boehner. To their horror, they found the …