Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 02.15.16

Founding Fathers vs Current Presidential Candidates

Segment 1: Bruce Kaufmann
Exploring the oddities and ironies of history, and today’s politics and public policy.

Segment 2: The #FeelTheBern phenomenon

1. Christian Hand – rock n roll producer and also on Mark In the Morning on 100.3 The Sound in Los Angeles

2. Joshua Fishman – CEO, We Creative agency; producer of Debate Debate show- live comedy during presidential debates.

3. Jay Ponti – founder of Peacelink Live! producing live and broadcast events for peace and social justice causes. They also do legislative advocacy and coalition building.

Segment 3: Jason Crow on Healthy Living

The Gary Null Show – 02.15.16

June Kiefer, RN received her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental health Nursing form Stonybrook University in 1991. June has an active full time practice since 1996, specializing in both individual and group therapy. She is board certified by the ANCC and has been a Nurse Practitioner since 1993. June holds an adjunct position as Clinical Assistant Professor with the School of nursing at Stonybrook University, Suffolk County Community College and Adelphi University, all in NY, where she expanded her role to an educator.

The Gary Null Show – 02.05.16

Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. Dr. Paul Craig Robert’s recently called him “the world’s best economist.” He is currently the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends and was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign. Dr. Hudson has served as an advisor to the White House, State and Defense departments at the Hudson Institute, in addition to the United Nations Institute where he became a specialist in global economics. He has written several books and many important papers and articles, the latest being “Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy” which goes into great depth in explaining how the polarization of the 1% versus 99% emerged. His website is

Dr. Robert Gallon has been a practicing psychologist for over four decades and specializes in medical psychology. He received his doctorate in Biological Psychology from CUNY and taught at Vassar College and later at Thomas Jefferson University Medical School, while practicing at the university’s Psychosomatic Medicine Clinic. Dr Gallon has served as the chief psychologist at Eastern Maine Medical Center where he founded its Chronic Pain Program and serves as an examiner for the State Forensic service to evaluate defendants’ competency to stand trial. During his career he has evaluated approximately five thousand people. Robert also performs as the tuba player in the Bangor Symphony Orchestra. He is the author of a couple books, the most recent being “Nine Dimensions of Madness: Redefining Mental Health”, which comprehensively debunks the myth that mental disorders are medical diseases and offers an ecological alternative model.