Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world and plays a great You Tube clip as well. Enjoy
The Lifeboat Hour – 01.10.16
Dean Walker and Carolyn talk about “Full Spectrum Living—With Death In Mind.” What does it mean to live with passion and purpose in a time of extinction?
Meria Heller Show – 01.10.16
Stars R Us – Astrology for January
Economic Update – What Capitalism Is – 01.10.16
Updates on Obamacare scandal, bank errors threaten depositors, public pension looting, subsidizing religion. Major discussion of old vs new meanings of capitalism as an economic system.
Expat Files – 01.10.16
-The “Gringo Advantage” strikes again… sparking yet another simple, inexpensive business idea. (one you’d never expect).
-Fresh gringos and new Expats can get awfully steamed up when they find they have to wait an interminable amount of time just to get waited on by a cashier or bank teller. Today we have a gringo “drive up AutoBanco” story that will get you thinking about how and why “manana” time is a part of Latin culture and why it will probably never change no matter how much Gringos and Expats kick and scream about it.
-Today we have a strange (but not for Latin America) car parking-lot story that takes place at a modern Latin Airport
-What does ”Off the Gringo Tourist Trail” really mean?
-A visit to a typically decrepit, “free” Nation Health Care Latin Hospital.
There are 101 reasons why public hospitals are NEVER recommended for Expats and Gringos.
-We also have an email defending Mexico as a top place for Expat living
-An analysis of how the two-faced Latin media, and criminal Latin celebrity hypocrites, portray Donald Trump as the evil one.
A Just Cause – Racism & Discrimination Within Homeowners Associations (HOAs) – 01.10.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans.
The Gary Null Show – 01.08.16
Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world. Enjoy
Expanding Mind – You’re Soaking In It – 01.07.16
A chat with guruphiliac Jody Radzik about a-conceptual awareness, reframing spiritual experience, and the problem with Space Daddy gurus.
The Gary Null Show – 01.07.16
Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary also plays some videos that will make you think a little more about what is happening in this world.
Connect The Dots – Taking It in the Gut – 01.06.16
Listen to Vincent Pedre, MD, author of the new book, Happy Gut about why so many people have digestive issues nowadays