NDC Savings Club – 03.23.16

Today Show: Kirlian Photography

Guest Speaker: John Iovine http://www.imagesco.com/

John Iovine is the President of Images Scientific Instruments Inc. and is responsible for research and development of electronics products that include nuclear science, photography, holography, microcontrollers, robotics, speech recognition and motion control. He has more than 25 years of experience involving electronics.

John Iovine has author 10 books on science and electronics. He has written hundreds of articles for leading science and electronics magazines in the United States. He holds US patents on holography and other technologies

Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate. The technique has been variously known as “electrography”, “electrophotography”, “corona discharge photography” (CDP),”bioelectrography”, “gas discharge visualization (GDV)”, “electrophotonic imaging (EPI)”,and, in Russian literature, “Kirlianography”.

Kirlian photography has been the subject of mainstream scientific research, parapsychology research and art. To a large extent, It has been used in alternative medicine research.

New Series: The 36 Flow of Energy Systems.

The Gary Null Show – 03.23.16

Dr. Kelly Brogan is a New York City based holistic women’s health psychiatrist practicing and board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and integrative holistic medicine. She holds a bachelors in Systems Neuroscience from MIT, received her medical degree from Cornell University and underwent her psychiatric training at New York University Medical Center. Dr Brogan is an outspoken critic of drug-based psychiatry and the current medical paradigm and embraces the principles of lifestyle change and nutrition in her patient protocol. She sits on several professional boards including Functional Medicine University, the NYS Perinatal Association, Pathways to Family Wellness, Fearless Parent and the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. She is the co-editor of a major holistic textbook “Integrative Therapies for Depression,” and is author of the recent New York Times bestseller “A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives” Her website is KellyBroganMD.com

Look inside the link to see the video clips Gary played on his show today:

Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.22.16

Robert Parry is one of our leading progressive investigative journalists best known for his uncovering Iran-Contra story and Oliver North’s involvement which earned him the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He is currently the senior editor and writes for Consortium News. Bob has covered many important stories including breaking the first story about the Nicaragan contra-cocaine connection in 1985, right wing terrorism, the demise of American media, the Bush and Obama presidencies, the rise and influence of the Neocons and our wars overseas. In the past he has worked as a journalist for the Associated Press, Newsweek and PBS Frontline. He has written several books, his latest being “America’s Stolen Narrative: From Washington and Madison to Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes to Obama”

His website is www.ConsortiumNews.com

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an American Haredi Rabbi, human rights and religious activist and the spokesperson for Neturei Karta (Net-oor-ay Car-tah) – also known as Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism — in Brooklyn and Monsey New York. Neturei Karta is a Jewish group opposing the state of Israel and the Zionist agenda that pretends to be representative of the spiritual values in religious Judaism and the Torah. It was founded in Jerusalem in 1938 when a group of Orthodox rabbis refused to recognize the authority of what would later become the state of Israel. Rabbi Weiss is the son of Hungarian Jews; both of his grandparents died at the Auschwitz camp during the war. He is also a sharp critic of Jewish and Israeli efforts to use the Holocaust as a weapon to increase sympathy for political and economic advantage. He is highly respected within the Muslim and Palestinian communities for his efforts to advance interfaith dialogue between religions. The rabbi’s writings can be found on the Neturei Karta website at NKUSA.org

Go inside the link for the great You Tube Clips Gary Null played.

Love Lust And Laughter – 03.22.16

Gail Scott, certified Coach and speaker (www.GailScottinc.com) is a brave and articulate woman! She was sexually wounded – and she demonstrates the need for sexual healing in her personal and professional life. Gail was molested by her father at age 9, continuing to intercourse at age 13, ending at age 16. Her sexual healing journey began in earnest at age 46 using a variety of healing modalities. Gail and Dr. Diana discussed these – including her need to forgive herself, dropping shame, guilt, and confusion around being a sexual woman. This is a person who has gone beyond “incest survivor (victim)” to someone who is more whole and sexually satisfied. Gail talks about previously going through life numbing out all emotions and feelings – while creating meaning in her life by giving to others.
There is more in the details! May 15th will offer Part 2.

It’s All About Food – Robbyne Kaamil and Joe Cross – 03.22.16

Part I: Robbyne Kaamil, Vegan Sexy Song
Activist, author, actress, comedian, vocalist, radio personality and relationship expert are all hats worn by Robbyne Kaamil. Robbyne’s sassy style has landed her appearances on numerous radio & television shows including The Howard Stern Show and Bravo’s, “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”. As an actress Ms. Kaamil has graced the silver screen in several independent films including: Bear City: The Movie and Violet Tendencies starring Mindy Cohn of “Facts of Life”. Last summer her monthly advice column, “Dear Diva” was launched in Australia’s top gay publication DNA Magazine. She is also the Official Relationship Expert for Playgirl.
She was inspired to become an animal rights activist after seeing the PSA “Saving Lolita” which focused on the life of the orca Lolita who has been held at the Miami Seaquarium for over 45 years. She saw the parallels between Lolita’s story and her own family’s history in the Atlantic Slave Trade. She wrote the song “Let the Girl Go: Free Lolita” to help raise awareness about the orca. The music video was recently selected to be screened at the 2015 Wildlife Film Festival. Her latest music video, “Free the Monkeys”, exposes the mistreatment of monkeys being used in lab experiments in Hendry County, Florida. The video was produced & directed by NY Times bestselling author and former HLN television host – Jane Velez Mitchell. PETA co-founder, Ingrid Newkirk, recently enlisted Robbyne to write & narrate several public service announcements to protest animal captivity in marine parks, zoos & circuses. The PSA’s are currently running nationwide on ABC, FOX and Bounce TV affiliates.

Part II: Joe Cross, The Kids Menu
Joe Cross is a filmmaker, entrepreneur, author and wellness advocate. He directed, produced and was the subject of the award-winning documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, seen by more than 21 million people around the world, and the popular sequel Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2; authored the New York Times bestseller The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet book, which has been released globally in multiple languages; and is credited with having accelerated the plant-based eating movement by media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The Times of London and The Dr. Oz Show. His website, www.rebootwithjoe.com, has become an integral meeting place for a community of more than one and a half million Rebooters worldwide.

Joe began his business career as a trader on the Sydney Futures Exchange where he worked from the early 1980s until 1998. He subsequently managed a diverse portfolio of assets in telecommunications, media, technology and financial services for Queensland Press Ltd., and in 2003 began investing his own capital through his investment vehicle Jaymsea Investments Pty Ltd. Despite his commercial success, Joe found himself at age 40 overweight and in ill health, and elected to take matters into his own hands. After consultation with noted US doctor Joel Fuhrman, Joe embarked on a 60 day journey of transformation across the US, consuming nothing but the juice of fresh vegetables and fruits. That journey – filled with personal milestones for Joe, and eye-opening experiences with average Americans– was captured on film, and has become the award-winning documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Seen by more than 20 million people around the world, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead has inspired millions of people to follow Joe’s example and reclaim their own health and vitality by adopting plant-based eating habits. The response to the film was so overwhelming Joe founded Reboot with Joe, a health and wellness company that offers support, encouragement, community, media and tools to everyday people. Joe lives in New York and Sydney.

Nature Bats Last – 03.22.16

Guy and Mike are joined by by two extraordinary women, Ama and Bo. Both have made choices that many are too fearful to ever consider. Both had the foresight early in their lives to live rather than make a living. They have been living on the fringe of the dominant culture for decades and have a wealth of knowledge most of us will never approach. Guy gives a climate update as well.

Infectious Myth – The Vitamin Murders with James Fergusson – 03.22.16

In episode 94 David interviews James Fergusson, the author of the 2007 book, “The Vitamin Murders”. The book covers the authors own concerns about contamination in his own family’s food, and Jack Drummond, who designed the British food rationing system during World War II. Some people think the restricted calorie intake, especially sugar, made this the healthiest time for the average Brit. After WW II, however, Jack Drummond, his wife, and their daughter, were murdered brutally and bloodily in the south of France, while ostensibly on holiday. But were they on holiday or on a secret mission? James Fergusson’s website is: http://www.jamesfergusson.info

After the interview, David reports on a $100 million advertising campaign for Gilead’s expensive new Hepatitis C drug, Harvoni (http://www.statnews.com/2016/03/08/harvoni-hepatitisc-ads) and a recent podcast with a man who survived Hepatitis C drugs but, when they didn’t cure his cirrhosis, worked out a natural protocol that did allow his liver to recover, to the surprise of his doctor (http://www.howpositiveareyou.com/2016/02/05/hpay-107-alistair_mackinnon).