Progressive Radio Network

real estate

Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #737- SUN, FEB 25- (02-25-2018): #1- If you drive in Latin America, you'll hit many potholes and suffer many annoying flat…
Rising interest rates are in the offing. The high-end real estate sector is in decline. China, Russia and India are buying gold. And cryptocurrency markets…
#1-How to get great real estate deals when “off the tourist trail”
"Updates on real corporate taxes, Canada's infrastructure maneuver, economics of real estate, foreign students leaving. Major discussions of economics of interest rate hikes and how…
BOULDER, Colo. -- Greenhouse gases are already having an accelerating effect on sea level rise, but the impact has so far been masked by the…
Does Donald Trump only say crazy things, or does he say crazy things because he actually is crazy? In a speech delivered on the third day of the Democratic…
Bernie Sanders responded to Hillary Clinton's foreign policy speech on Thursday with a hit at her credentials, including her involvement in the Iraq War and so-called "regime…
Paris. On June 2, a few days before the California primary, Hillary Clinton gave up trying to compete with Bernie Sanders on domestic policy. Instead,…
In the last days before the California primary, where Democratic primary polls showed her neck-and-neck with Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton delivered a campaign speech in…
On today's program Kathryn opens her heart and quantum being to give a message for all to share. It includes a channeled message from her…
The fact of the matter is that over the years we have allowed ourselves to be more and more accepting of the urban way of…
Over 3.2 million families in California, one of every three households, struggle every month to meet basic needs. The state’s economy would be considered the…