Ask Beatty – 05.09.16

Beatty discussed her efforts in attempting to find out the details and status of New York City’s Mental Health Initiative under Mayor De Blasio ….. Are New Yorkers being teased and manipulated? You decide. Retiring Early? Listen to why it may be the kiss of death according to various studies. And finally, listen to Beatty’s sage advice to single people of ALL ages and stages in life who are looking for a relationship.

Love Lust And Laughter – 04.26.16

Brad Coates, author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY” knows a thing or two about romance. He has been a frequent guest on this show and today we focused on what women want…female needs, desires, and behavior in romantic relationships. His book states, “Women want to hear ‘I love you and I understand.’ A man wants to hear ‘That makes sense,’ indicating a linear thought process.” It is really about your responsiveness to your partner’s emotions – and this responsiveness is what makes a relationship feel fair. Underlying this element is respect. Brad and I spoke about the trend that more single people are staying that way, not getting married. In fact, many more women are not re-marrying after a divorce. For those who do stay married and want help, I often talk about couples putting more play back into their relationship. Brad and I expanded on this idea – and more. Listen, please! (

Ask Beatty – 03.23.15

Would you trust an expert to help you find a spouse without knowing anything about your potential partner or without knowing what he/she looks like? Should colleges protect students from feeling hurt or upset about controversial subject matter? Should schools and universities teach relationship and sex education courses? Tune in and hear what John Jay Sociologist Jim Vrettos and Beatty think about these contemporary issues.