Leid Stories—Is ‘Our Revolution’ Cutting Corners on Principles?–05.24.18

Enough already with Bernie Sanders and his bewildering political morphing—an Independent who also is a Democrat who also is the magnetic center of Our Revolution, the progressive, social-democratic political action spinoff from Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. Questions need to be asked—and answered. Why? Because we need some clarity here, and because of the queasy feeling  we’re already on the slippery slope …

Global Alert News – 05.23.18

How many can cite verifiable facts to back up their opinions and conclusions? How many are looking through a completely colored lens of preconceptions, programmed ideology, and herd mentality bias? How much longer can the current course continue before the human race hits the wall at full velocity? The collective insanity that currently runs and rules the world continues to …

Leid Stories—Bernie Sanders Announces 2020 U.S. Senate Re-election Bid. What That Tells Us About the Crisis of Leadership Within the Democratic Party–05.22.18

Bernie Sanders, the two-term Independent-Democratic U.S. senator from Vermont, yesterday announced he’ll kick off in June his campaign seeking a third six-year term. A presidential run, which many Sanders supporters were hoping for, is not in the cards, the 76-year-old progressive said. Rather, he will continue pushing a progressive agenda. Sanders desires to continue in politics but only in a …

Economic Update – Capitalism Provokes Workers – 05.13.18

Updates on Univ of California workers’ strikes, privatizing fire departments, big money buys academia, fast-food workers unionize, the capitalism-loneliness-scapegoating links, Hillary Clinton pro-capitalist/anti-socialist, VW CEO is not the problem: system is. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad on capitalism’s destruction of the family and “family values”. Download this episode (right click and save)

A Just Cause Radio – Spotlight on Capitol Hill Encore Series: Congressman James Sensenbrenner – 05.13.18

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks our Hosts will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series: Congressman James (Jim) Sensenbrenner, proudly serving Wisconsin’s 5th District. Congressman Sensenbrenner’s current committee assignments include serving on the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary.  Download this episode (right click and save)


HE ROOTS OF POLITICS AS USUAL AND PARTISANSHIP, LAYA LOVE’S LENS OF LIFE CHANGES LIVES, POLICE CYCLE FOR FALLEN COMRADES    John A. Lawrence, author of “THE CLASS OF ’74: Congress after Watergate and the Roots of Partisanship”, worked in the House of Representatives for 38 years, the last 8 as chief of staff to Nancy Pelosi and he offers great insight and …

Black Agenda Radio – 05.07.18

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Inmates at prisons across the nation will go on strike, in August, against slavery behind the bars; the Democratic Party sides with CIA spies and the FBI, in its suit against Wikileaks; and, Winnie Mandela is remembered …

Energy Stew – Is it possible to trust in the future? – 04.27.18

under-stand their power in our lives. So many of you have seen unexpected miracles happen when you’re at your wits end. Were you open to them? Did they really make things better? Wu Wei believes they did. Maybe it’s like those parking spaces that just show up or finding an open seat in a crowded subway car. Those happen to …

Leid Stories—Can Trump Survive the Demons That Hound Him?—04.26.18

A presidency continually rocked by scandal, turmoil and a distorted view of his own power. A Congress that dislikes the open contempt he shows it. A Republican Party that holds him personally responsible for decimating its political gains. A record exodus of Republicans from the House and the Senate. A Cabinet of novices who aren’t quite sure what they’re supposed …

The Working Life Podcast With Jonathan Tasini – ARIZONA TEACHERS ARE LIT!; PRIVATIZATION IS A BUST; LOWE’S POISONS PEOPLE – 04.26.18

EPISODE 79: ARIZONA TEACHERS ARE LIT!; PRIVATIZATION IS A BUST; LOWE’S POISONS PEOPLE In Audio, Economy, Labor, Podcast by Jonathan TasiniApril 25, 20180 Comments The uprising is hitting Arizona. Tomorrow, thousands of teachers will flood the state capitol to demand—like their brethren in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky and Colorado—fair wages. I talk with the both the head of the union and a rank-and-file union leader. …