The guest was Fiona Barnett, an MK Ultra survivor and Australia’s most recognized and vocal Whistleblower on VIP pedophilia. She was introduced to the pedophile network by her Nazi war criminal grandparents. As a child, Fiona was raped by 3 Australian Prime Ministers and other politicians, US President, Richard Nixon and famous actors. She was trafficked internationally and was drugged and raped by prominent Americans, such as Billy Graham and Ted Turner, who attended pedophile parties at Disneyland and Bohemian Grove.
Jon Kofas – Youth In America, Russia And China
America’s youth is a reflection of the diverse society and its contemporary political trends. It is true that a segment of the youth is anti-government and anti-military but not nearly at levels America had seen during the last years of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal under Richard Nixon. One would need to go back to the Eisenhower administration …