Leid Stories—So, Is It Still Too Early to Judge the Trump Administration?–05.21.18

We were warned, even before his election, about unfairly judging President Donald J. Trump. Give the guy a break, they said. He’s new to the job, and it won’t be easy to “drain the swamp” with an entrenched system of bureaucrats and the “deep state” against him. Besides, he’s not a career politician, and to make good on his promises …

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 12.21.16

The Conspiracy Guy #4: It has been astonishing to see a conspiracy theory being touted by the Director of the CIA to attempt to sway Trump electors from casting their votes for the candidate who won their states, but the evidence shows that he has been aided and abetted by The Washington Post, The New York Times and even the President of the USA. So a conspiracy theory has been used to promote a conspiracy to deny the American people their choice to succeed Barack Obama. The motivation for this extraordinary effort, moreover, appear to be corrupt, including suppressing information emerging about what (I predict) will become the greatest scandal in the history of the United States. And should the statements from Rudy Giuliani turn out to be fake, as some suggest, their content otherwise appears to be accurate and true.

Branko Marcetic – The Long, Cruel Career of Rudy Giuliani

Over the course of a four-decade-long career, Rudy Giuliani has gone by many monikers (“Rudy,” “America’s Mayor”) and picked up and dropped even more personas: the hard-charging public prosecutor cracking down on mob bosses, corrupt politicians, and white-collar criminals; the crime-busting mayor for whom no misdeed was too petty to discipline; the Churchillian leader who shored up a nation’s courage …

Court to Hear Lawsuit Against Bush for Nuremberg War Crimes

On Monday, December 12th, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal in San Francisco will hear arguments in a first–of-its-kind lawsuit against former President George W. Bush, alleging that Bush engaged in a war of aggression against Iraq. “War of aggression” is a crime under the international law which evolved out of the Nuremberg Trials after World War II. The hearing …

Gilbert Doctorow – The Establishment Strikes Back

The immediate impact of Donald Trump’s victory among those of us who favored his candidacy over Hillary Clinton’s was triumphalism on the day after. This euphoric mood was very well captured on a special edition of the Russia Today’s “Cross Talk” show, which registered an audience of more than 110,000 on-line viewers, a number which is rare if not unprecedented. …

Lauren McCauley – As Trump Transitions to Power, ‘Cabinet of Horrors’ Takes Shape

As President-elect Donald Trump began his transition to power on Thursday, early reporting has opened a window into what the nation can expect as his “cabinet of horrors,” as AFP put it, takes shape. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and former Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin are among the more high-profile …

Henry A. Giroux – Poisoned City: Flint and the Specter of Domestic Terrorism

In the current age of free-market frenzy, privatization, commodification and deregulation, Americans are no longer bound by or interested in historical memory, connecting narratives or modes of thinking that allow them to translate private troubles into broader systemic considerations. As Irving Howe once noted, “the rhetoric of apocalypse haunts the air” accompanied by a relentless spectacle that flattens time, disconnects …

New Evidence of Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks: The 9/11 Consensus Panel

Fourteen years after the world-changing events of 9/11, new evidence refuting the official story continues to be unearthed by a Panel of 23 professional researchers. Today the 9/11 Consensus Panel releases two new Consensus Points presenting evidence of official foreknowledge of the attacks. The first Point deals with Able Danger, the code name for a high-level intelligence operation co-founded by …