Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #756- FRI, MAY 11- (05-11-2018): #1- Are there any Latin countries on the fast track to becoming 1st world or somewhat 1st world? Just what do the terms 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th world mean?  #2- Plastic, easy credit, high interest loans and extended payment plans are ripe temptations for the Latin public. Most Latinos have no money in the bank… hmm, …
Global Alert News – 05.22.17
At what point do we use the word eugenics when referring to the ever more desperate actions of the completely out of control power structure? We are collectively being forced to endure an unimaginable onslaught of highly toxic assaults. From fluoridated water, to chemical laden GMO foods, to the highly toxic climate engineering fallout, and, of course, there are the …
Black Agenda Radio – 11.07.16
Welcome, to the radio program that brings you News, Commentary and Analysis, from the Black Left.
The Clintons and Their Banker Friends – By Nomi Prins
[This piece has been adapted and updated by Nomi Prins from chapters 18 and 19 of her book All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, just out in paperback (Nation Books).] The past, especially the political past, doesn’t just provide clues to the present. In the realm of the presidency and Wall Street, it provides an ongoing pathway …