Black Agenda Radio – 04.06.15

Democrats Gang up on Seattle Socialist –

Kshama Sawant, the Socialist Alternative Party leader whose campaign for a $15 an hour minimum wage won her a seat on the Seattle city council, now faces three Democratic challengers, including the head of the local Urban League. Sawant has earned broad support, but must still contend with the popular mindset that Democrats are the “lesser evils” of politics. “The problem with the logic of ‘lesser evil-ism’ is that it’s ad infinitum,” she said. If we accept that logic, “there’s never going to be a point when we can say: ‘At this moment we have to make a clean break to make sure that we build a movement independent of the two business parties.’”

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – TPP and TAFTA- The Dangers of Fast Tracking International Trade Agreements – 03.31.15

Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN,, interviews Mr. Ken Snyder. Ken is an Occupational Therapist, Massage Therapist and Medical and Healthcare Advocate. He has worked with people having a wide variety of healthcare needs including, in-patient psychiatry and substance abuse, adults with developmental delays and multiple physical handicaps in residential and day program settings, children with learning challenges in public schools …

Economic Update – 03.29.15

Updates on Trans-Pacific Partnership secrets, the Heinz-Kraft merger, the overly costly, underperforming US medical care system, fines for Graco selling faulty child car-seats, China’s real-estate bubble, and estate tax repeal by Republican House. Response to listener on property: private versus public. Major discussion of how system change happened in the past and and how in capitalism today.

TPP Trade Negotiations At Critical Juncture – By Jack Rasmus

Passage of the “Trans Pacific Partnership” (TPP) free trade agreement between the USA and 11 other pacific rim countries has been the number one economic priority of both political parties in the USA since last November 2014’s national Congressional elections. Concluding a TPP deal in 2015 is right up there — along with across the board corporate tax rate cuts …