Progressive Radio Network

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Before pesticides go from the laboratory to the farm field, they have to first be vetted by the Environmental Protection Agency. But they're commonly mixed—sometimes…
Did you know that the sound from a heavy truck moving down the road – approximately 85dB (decibel) – can have an adverse effect on…
With most of America enduring major heat waves this week, mild and sunny San Diego is not a bad place to be -- especially if…
Chopping down trees and feeding them to power plants for electricity is a genuinely awful idea. It hurts biodiversity, belches toxic chemicals and contributes more to climate change than…
Thanks to the admitted link between Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide known as Roundup and the development of cancer,another major lawsuit could be coming up against the…
The Supreme Court has issued yet another ruling that has many people up in arms. Environmental activists and health advocates alike are especially unhappy with…
For Chevron, the second largest oil company in the country with $26.2 billion in annual profits, it helps to have friends in high places. With little fanfare,…
It’s been decades since the world was exposed to the pesticide DDT, but almost everyone is suffering after being exposed to the chemical during WWII and…
Most women probably don't want to rush into menopause. But chemicals you encounter every day could speed up the onset of menopause by close to…
Did you know that back in 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency was all set to release a report that admitted electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are dangerous to…
Here’s the good news: President Barack Obama has committed to reducing the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 17 percent by 2020. The bad…
The Deadly Duo of Genetically Modified Food and Toxic Pesticides Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, August 12, 2014     After…