Collapsing Global Economy, Imploding Financial System: China Has Only One Option – Bill Holter

The title is of course a little misleading because China has many options, none of which except one in my opinion will actually work.  Options to what exactly you ask?  Options to a collapsing global economy and an imploding financial system which will surely affect China as much as anywhere else, but with one caveat.  I take these events as a …

Bond market sell-off signals mounting financial crisis – Nick Beams

The instability of the global financial system and the potential for another crash have been underscored by a major sell-off of government bonds this week. Yesterday saw European markets display levels of volatility not seen since the euro zone debt crisis turmoil of three years ago. In the course of the day, the yield on the German 10-year government bond, …

Is the Stock Market Another Bubble? – DEAN BAKER

The stock market has recovered sharply from the lows hit in the financial crisis. All the major indices are at or near record highs. This has led many analysts to worry about a new bubble in the stock market. These concerns are misplaced. Before going through the data, I should point out that I am not afraid to warn of …