It wasn’t long ago, relatively speaking, that humans woke and slept along with the rise and setting of the sun. While the invention of modern artificial lighting has allowed us to be productive 24 hours a day, even in what would otherwise be the black of night, our bodies have not adapted to this onslaught of light when it should …
Life after death ‘confirmed’ by scientists
A recent investigation led by British scientists has discovered that there is indeed more to come after life ends. The large-scale study of over 2,000 people found that thoughts continued even after the heart stopped beating. The shocking research also revealed what is considered to be some of the most convincing evidence ever to support an out-of-body experience for a patient …
The Future Of Understanding Human Immunity Will Rest On Our Knowledge of Bacteria and Inflammation by MAE CHAN
Throughout the world, we will see proliferating technologies that will eventually assist in a greater understanding of the mechanisms that regulate the incredible interactions between nutrition and immunity. The short-sighted conventional medical approach of inserting microorganisms into the body will be replaced by our understanding of new aspects in the complex relationships between bacteria and inflammatory processes which ultimately cause …
Oxygen-depleted oceans had key role in mass extinction over 200M years ago
Changes in the biochemical balance of the ocean were a crucial factor in the end-Triassic mass extinction, during which half of all plant, animal and marine life on Earth perished, according to new research involving the University of Southampton. The study, published in the upcoming edition of Geology, reveals that a condition called ‘marine photic zone euxinia’ took place in …