Expanding Mind – Inside the Machine – 10.08.15

A talk with archivist and cultural historian Megan Prelinger about twentieth-century technology, modernist art, and her fascinating new book Inside the Machine: Art and Invention in the Electronic Age. http://meganprelinger.com/ and http://www.prelingerlibrary.org/home/

Jon Kofas – Youth In America, Russia And China

America’s youth is a reflection of the diverse society and its contemporary political trends. It is true that a segment of the youth is anti-government and anti-military but not nearly at levels America had seen during the last years of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal under Richard Nixon. One would need to go back to the Eisenhower administration …

America: Addicted to War, Afraid of Peace – Gregory A. Daddis

EARLIER THIS year, West Point’s Defense and Strategic Studies Program invited me to participate in a panel discussion on the future of warfare. For historians, and particularly for Vietnam War students like me, such requests seem fraught with peril. Given the contentious debate that continues to surround America’s involvement in Vietnam, now fifty years after Lyndon Johnson’s fateful decision to …

Monsanto Exposed for Trying to Hide ‘Ugly History’ By Ditching Its Name – Sarah Lazare

Agrochemical giant Monsanto—known for its power over food systems world-wide—recently suggested a name-change as part of a proposed corporate merger, in what critics say is a bald attempt to bury the poor human rights and environmental reputation associated with the company’s brand. Founded in St. Louis, Monsanto recently revealed that it would like to move its headquarters from the United …

Monsanto Ordered To Pay $93 Million For Poisoning Residents With Agent Orange

Earlier this month the State Supreme Court of West Virginia dealt a huge blow to the biotech company Monsanto, ordering it to pay $93 million to the small town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning local citizens with Agent Orange chemicals. Approved last year, the details were only recently worked out a few weeks ago as to how the funds would be …

A story from the past shows why neocons are dangerous for the global peace and security

Recent documents show that the hardcore branch of the US policy during the Vietnam war, was playing dangerous games with North Vietnam and the Soviets, in order to drag the other side to negotiations. We see today a similar game played by the neocons in Ukraine and Asia-Pacific. In the new Cold War, neocons are playing more dangerous games with …

Vietnam’s Horrific Legacy: The Children of Agent Orange

FORTY years after the end of the Vietnam War this is a country which should be rising back to its feet. Instead it is crippled by the effects of Agent Orange, a chemical sprayed during combat, stripping leaves off trees to remove enemy cover. Its contaminant, dioxin — now regarded as one of the most toxic chemicals known to man …

The Lasting Pain from Vietnam Silence – Ray McGovern

Ecclesiastes says there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. The fortieth anniversary of the ugly end of the U.S. adventure in Vietnam is a time to speak – and especially of the squandered opportunities that existed earlier in the war to blow the whistle and stop the killing. While my friend Daniel Ellsberg’s leak of the Pentagon …

Who Counts? Body Counts, Drones, and “Collateral Damage” (aka “Bug Splat”) – Tom Engelhardt

In the twenty-first-century world of drone warfare, one question with two aspects reigns supreme: Who counts? In Washington, the answers are the same: We don’t count and they don’t count. The Obama administration has adamantly refused to count. Not a body. In fact, for a long time, American officials associated with Washington’s drone assassination campaigns and “signature strikes” in the backlands of Pakistan, Afghanistan, …

Mother Earth Is Weeping For Her Children: The US Military Must Stop Environmental Ecocide – Joy First

As I traveled to DC to risk arrest in an action organized by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) I was feeling nervous, but also knowing this is what I needed to be doing. This would be my first arrest since I was arrested at the CIA in June 2013, and served a one-year probation sentence after an October …