What Women Must Know – What the Producer of the Documentary VAXXED Has to Say with Del Bigtree – 07.21.16

Del Bigtree was an Emmy Award-winning producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors, for six years. With a background both as a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist, he is best known for combining visually impactful imagery, raw emotional interviews and unbiased investigative research into stories that push the envelope of daytime television. Some of his most thought-provoking episodes include a rare televised debate between Monsanto’s head of toxicology Dr. Donna Farmer and GMO activist Jeffrey Smith and an exposé on a “gold standard” medical test that mistakenly indicts loving parents for child abuse, causing their children to be remanded to Child Protective Services.
When Bigtree began investigating the story of the CDC Whistleblower and the fraud perpetrated by the CDC, he soon realized that he had stumbled upon a story of corruption and deception beyond any he had ever seen. Further investigation into the wrongful destruction of Andrew Wakefield’s career orchestrated by Big Pharma and the UK Department of Health inspired him to focus all of his attention on what he believes to be the most crucial documentary of the year. Bigtree is proud to be working side by side with Andrew Wakefield, one of the most important minds of our time, to create a documentary that will not only alert Americans to the outright destruction of their civil liberties, but will lead the charge to demand the formation of a genuine independent research body conducting legitimate science to ensure that all vaccines are truly safe.

What Women Must Know – What You Need to Know About the Gardasil Vaccine with Norma Erickson – 07.14.16

Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc., was an average citizen working as an independent business consultant and freelance author before she became aware of the number of people experiencing debilitating medical conditions after the administration of Gardasil or Cervarix. In 2010, she established SaneVax as a direct response to the worldwide devastation left in the wake of HPV vaccination programs. The SaneVax team believes no vaccine should be approved for public use without first being scientifically proven Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective. At no time from concept through administration have HPV vaccines met any of these common-sense criteria. Therefore, she and the SaneVax team have made it their mission to create a world where only scientifically proven SANE vaccines and vaccination practices are allowed.

What Women Must Know – Find a Way: A personal Account of Overcoming Fears and Never Being Too Old to Live Your Dreams with Diana Nyad – 07.07.16

For her maverick open-water performance of the 1970s, Diana Nyad was known as the world’s greatest long-distance swimmer. For the next thirty years, Nyad was a prominent sports broadcaster and journalist, filing compelling stories for National Public Radio, ABC’s Wide World of Sports, and others. She is a national fitness icon, has written three other books, is a talented linguist, and is one of today’s most powerful and engaging public speakers.

Diana Nyad was a world champion in her twenties, setting the record for swimming around Manhattan Island, along with other ocean-swim achievements, all of which rendered her a star at the time. Back then, she made the first attempt at the Mount Everest of swims, the Cuba Swim, but after forty-two hours and seventy-nine miles she was blown desperately off course. Her dream unfulfilled, she didn’t swim another stroke for three decades.

On September 2, 2013, at the age of sixty-four, Diana Nyad emerged onto the sands of Key West after swimming 111 miles, nation to nation, Cuba to Florida, in an epic feat of both endurance and human will, in fifty-three hours. Diana carried three poignant messages on her way across this stretch of shark-infested waters, and she spoke them to the crowd in her moment of final triumph:

1. Never, ever give up.
2. You’re never too old to chase your dreams.
3. It looks like a solitary sport, but it’s a Team.


What Women Must Know – Whole Body Detoxing to Break Through Barrier in Every Area of Your Life with Dr. Deanna Minich – 06.23.16

Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally recognized, cutting-edge wellness and lifestyle medicine expert who has mastered the art of integrating ancient healing traditions with modern science. Her unique “whole self” approach to nutrition looks at physiology, psychology, eating, and living within what she calls the “7 Systems of Health.” A five-time book author, and founder of Food & Spirit (www.foodandspirit.com), she continues to do detox programs with individuals to help them achieve better health. Her new book is Whole Detox, published by HarperCollins in March 2016. For more information, go to drdeannaminich.com

What Women Must Know – Rejuvenating Joints, Skin, Hair and Eyes For People and Animals with Hyaluronic Acid with Darren Landis – 06.09.16

Darren Landis is the president and co-founder of Hyalogic, the company that specializes in working with hyaluronic acid (HA) for skincare and natural supplements. Darren co-founded Hyalogic 14 years ago. Among other accomplishments, they were one of the first to bring HA to the marketplace for human and animal joint health benefits. Darren has held health care positions for over 20 years.

What Women Must Know – Rejuvenating the Body with Sea Buckthorn wit Cheryl Meyers – 06.02.16

Cheryl Myers, RN is an integrative health nurse, author, and expert on natural medicine. She is a nationally-recognized speaker who has been interviewed by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Prevention Magazine. Her many articles have been published in such diverse journals as Aesthetic Surgery Journal and Nutrition in Complementary Care, and her research on botanicals has been presented at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the North American Menopause Society. Ms. Myers is the head of Scientific Affairs and Education for EuroPharma, Inc.

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What Women Must Know – The New Science of Mindful Eating for Reducing Weight and Emotional Eating with Lisa Lewtan – 05.19.16

Lisa Lewtan is a Healthy Living Strategist and founder of Healthy, Happy, and Hip, which provides one-on-one coaching, workshops, retreats, and support groups for clients. Her new book, Busy, Stressed, and Food Obsessed (2015) provides tools to help highly successful Superwomen slow down, chill out, develop a better relationship with food, and feel great. Her articles have been featured in numerous publications, including The Huffington Post, Better After 50, and MindBodyGreen. Learn more at www.HealthyHappyandHip.com.

What Women Must Know – The Healing benefits of Hemp Derived CBD Oil or Pain, Sleep and Much More with Stuart Tomc – 05.05.16

Mr. Tomc has spent 20 years in the Natural Products industry and has been a witness to the waves of trends, consumer-awareness, and the changing tide of health and the aging process. A moment of clarity brought him to discover CBD and recognize its incredible healing medicinal benefits. Mr. Tomc spearheads Cannavest’s mission to educate consumers on the myriad nutritional benefits of CBD and industrial hemp and its multiple mechanisms of action to support human health and envisions a new category of dietary supplements derived from agricultural hemp.

What Women Must Know – How Smart Fats Reset Metabolism, Stress, Hunger and Sex Hormones with Ann Lousie Gittleman PhD., CNS – 04.28.16

Top nutritionist, visionary health expert and bestselling author of 30 books, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, has always been a trendsetter in functional and integrative medicine. Continually breaking new ground in traditional and holistic health, she is internationally recognized as a pioneer in dietary, environmental, and women’s health issues and is known as “The First Lady of Nutrition”among her millions of followers worldwide.

What Women Must Know – The Truth About Cancer, Hydration and EMFs with Dr. Igor Smirnov and Alfred Hanser – 04.21.16

Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Engineering with a Master`s of Science degree in mechanical engineering He was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs/EMRs) on human cellular physiology where he received his PHd from St. Petersburg State University.

After the catastrophic nuclear plant radiation leak at Chernobyl Russia in 1986, which induced more than three million incidents of cancer, Dr. Smirnov and his scientific team, investigated the healing effect of the area Caucasus Mountains spring water on the survivors of the radioactive leak.

The geomagnetic field of the mountain spring water proved to be unique in structure and action; it absorbed rapidly and more efficiently into the bodies of the native people exposed to the catastrophic radiation, eliminating the harmful effects of the radiation exposure from the cells prior to any damage.

Dr. Smirnov`s successful investigation of the Chernobyl disaster inspired years of research that led to the invention of “MRET Activated Water” using his breakthrough technology called , “Molecular Resonance Effect Technology.” Today this is known as the GIA i-H2O Activation System.

Dr. Smirnov is a member of The Bioelectromagnetics Society of America, The Biophysical Society and The Association Of American Engineers. Dr. Smirnov lectures extensively at many international scientific congresses and conferences.

Alfred Hanser is a highly successful entrepreneur and is also regarded as an expert in the areas of electromagnetic radiation problems and solutions and cellular hydration Mr. Hanser has been a featured speaker at many health and wellness congresses and scientific conventions, as well as an expert guest on many radio and TV shows around the world. He co-founded an international Wellness Company with its patented core technologies .