Over a year ago, an anonymous source contacted the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) and submitted encrypted internal documents from Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm that sells anonymous offshore companies around the world. These shell companies enable their owners to cover up their business dealings, no matter how shady. In the months that followed, the number of documents continued to grow far beyond …
Don Quijones – Monsanto losing its grip?
* The earnings warning was just a precursor Monsanto, the world’s largest seed manufacturer, is not having a good year. The company recently slashed its 2016 earnings forecast from the $5.10-$5.60 per share it had forecast in December to $4.40-$5.10, claiming that about 25-30 cents of the reduction was due to the stronger dollar. But judging by recent trends, a …
John Vibes – WikiLeaks Documents Show NSA Spied On World Leaders On Behalf Of Big Oil
According to documents published by WikiLeaks this week, the NSA spied on multiple world leaders on behalf of oil companies. The documents revealed that the NSA spied on the private meetings of world leaders such as UN chief Ban Ki-moon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other European politicians. The discussion between Ban Ki-moon and Merkel was involving environmental pollution and …
John Pilger – Freeing Julian Assange: The Final Chapter
One of the epic miscarriages of justice of our time is unravelling. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention — — the international tribunal that adjudicates and decides whether governments comply with their human rights obligations — has ruled that Julian Assange has been detained unlawfully by Britain and Sweden. After five years of fighting to clear his name …
Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 12.28.15
Guest 1: Richard Matthews, California State Senate candidate – scientist, engineering exec.
Gas leak larger then BP, covers California
(This massive leak is spewing out literally a ton of gas every minute. It is releasing 1/4 as much methane as all of California normally releases. Toxins including methyl mercaptan, benzene, and radon are making people sick across our region.)
Guest 2: Jim Naureckis , FAIR.org. Media watchdog breaks down CNN, bias, GOP debate and republican candidates.
Guest 3: Julian Assange – WikiLeaks founder talks to book TV about Edward Snowden and why Russia.
WikiLeaks: US Government Plotted to Assassinate Bolivian President
Cables leaked by U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning reveal an apparent plot by the U.S. government to assassinate Bolivian President Evo Morales and overthrow his administration. The cables in question were published in August in “The WikiLeaks Files: The World According to US Empire,” a book in which multiple journalists along with Julian Assange analyze the contents of the treasure trove of …
Maira Sutton – More Closed-Door Meetings, a New Chief Transparency Officer, and Growing International Opposition to the Deal: What’s Going on with the TPP
Over the past month, trade officials have been frantically working to resolve outstanding disagreements over provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the midst of speculation that the deal is in deep trouble. At this late stage of negotiations, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has pretty much abandoned all remaining pretense of transparency in its consideration of these remaining policy …
Binoy Kampmark – Sieges in an Age of Economic Austerity: The State Surveillance Costs of Monitoring Julian Assange, More than 12 Million Pounds
It is, we are told, an age of bitter austerity, where belts are being tightened with dedication, and services cut with thrifty diligence. There are, however, always exceptions to the rule. The surveillance state needs succour; the intelligence services need their daily bread from the bakers in Downing Street. The dogs of war similarly need to be fed. And then, …
The Gary Null Show – 09.02.15
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter and journalist in the alternative media and founder of the independent progressive news and analysis site, WhoWhatWhy.com.
Over the past two decades, he has produced over a thousand stories on a broad range of topics, from political revolutions to revolutionary humor. Among Russ’s breaking investigations were the Hutu-Tutsi massacres in Central Africa, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the overthrow of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
He has received Society of Professional Journalists, the Mencken and the Common Cause awards, and has served on the adjunct faculty at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. His research into the rise and election of George W Bush led to his bestseller, “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last 50 Years.” His website is www.WhoWhatWhy.com
Deirdre Fulton – Crackdown on Manning Intensifies Days Before Confinement Hearing
Military prison authorities are allegedly denying whistleblower Chelsea Manning access to the facility’s legal library, just two days before a disciplinary board hearing that will decide whether she is placed in solitary confinement for what her supporters and lawyers say are innocuous offenses—like possession of a tube of expired toothpaste. As Common Dreams reported, the Chelsea Manning Support Network revealed …