The Social Costs Of Capitalism Are Destroying Earth’s Ability To Support Life

I admire David Ray Griffin for his wide-ranging intelligence, his research skills, and for his courage. Dr. Griffin is not afraid to take on the controversial topics. He gave us ten books on 9/11, and anyone who has read half of one of them knows that the official story is a lie. Now Griffin has taken on global warming and …

Canadian Media and the WHO Attempt to Discredit Scientists from University of British Columbia

When a professional gets a little too close to the truth for comfort, the most efficient and effective way for government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry to prevent them from exposing the truth is to destroy their credibility. This is exactly what happened when Professor Shaw and Dr. Tomljenovic published a series of leading papers exposing the possible links between …

Council: Monsanto’s Chemicals are in ‘Same Group as STDs Like HIV’

While Monsanto pleads to have the recent cancer classification of glyphosate retracted, the public is getting a glimpse of the emperor with no clothes. The recent classification of the GMO herbicide ingredient glyphosate as a 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization now designates it in a class directly alongside the sexually transmitted, cancer causing human papillomavirus (HPV) as well as …

Did the U.N. just ruin this $5 billion Monsanto business?

The United Nations may have just delivered a hard right hook to Monsanto’s (NYSE: MON  )  business. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, the U.N.’s cancer research center at the World Health Organization, declared the main ingredient in Monsanto’s leading weed-killer Roundup a probable cancer-causing product. Because the glyphosate-based herbicide is primarily responsible for almost half of all Monsanto’s …

Study Links Widely Used Pesticides to Antibiotic Resistance

This has not been a good week for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides. On Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had classified glyphosate, the United States’ most widely-used pesticide, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Now, the chemical has another strike against it. A study published today by the American Society of Microbiology’s journal mBio has linked glyphosate and two other widely-used herbicides–2,4-D and dicamba–to …

Vatican: UNICEF and WHO are sterilizing girls through vaccines

Vatican Radio last week charged that United Nations organizations promoting population control are using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilize women in Third World countries. Kenya’s Ministry of Health, along with the UN organizations — World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF — deny the charges, which carry the full weight of the Vatican. Vatican Radio is the official “voice of the Pope and …

Wi-Fi alert: School officials may be personally liable for exposing children to wireless radiation

School districts, school boards and school medical health officers in Canada have been notified that Lloyd’s of London has now excluded any liability coverage for injuries, “directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.” This includes the radio frequency radiation emitting from Wi-Fi and other wireless devices in schools. …

WHO Declares that Glyphosate Herbicides Probably Cause Cancer

The World Health Organisation’s cancer agency has declared the world’s most widely used weedkiller – glyphosate – a “probable human carcinogen” in a move that will alarm the agrochemical industry and amateur gardeners. The assessment by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of glyphosate, which is used in herbicides with estimated annual sales of USD 6 Billion, will …

World Health Organization Vaccine Recommendations: Scientific Flaws, or Criminal Misconduct?

While much information concerning World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations on vaccines, particularly against hepatitis B, remains secret, there is sufficient evidence in the open literature to suggest scientific incompetence, misconduct, or even criminal malfeasance. The benefits are overstated and toxicity greatly understated. Influenza vaccine recommendations falsely imply that the available vaccines could help prevent avian influenza. After the universal campaign …

Food Fascists: GMO and Pesticide Manufacturers Down and Dirty

By, Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD August 12, 2014 After decades of rearing hogs, Danish farmer IbBorup Pedersen was alarmed at the growing incidence of malformations and biological defects among his newborn piglets. Deformities included gaps in piglets’ skulls, deformed bones, missing limbs and even a female piglet with testicles. Never having witnessed such large numbers of deformed pigs …