Focus on the Facts – 04.11.16

The guest today was Kevin Annett, the man behind the global movement to end child trafficking and child torture. He co-founded the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and the International Common Law Court of Justice in Bussels. The Common Law Court has so far launched two cases against the Vatican, the Crown of England, Canada and its churches for crimes of Genocide, child sacrifice and trafficking and successfully convicted all of the defendants for crimes against humanity. In his two latest books, “Unrelenting” and “Murder by Decree,” Kevin traces the origin of genocide in Canada and globally and all roads lead to the Vatican.

Focus on the Facts – 04.04.16

The guest was Martha Rosenberg, an award winning health journalist and author of the book, “Born With a Junk Food Deficiency: How Flaks, Quacks and Hacks Pimp the Public Health.” Many topics were discussed including the take over of the food industry by Big Ag and Big Pharma and the many drugs and chemicals given to the animals eaten by people in the US. The attempted censorship of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe was also discussed and the CDC’s fraudulent study published in 2004 that covered up the link between vaccines and autism.

Focus on the Facts – 03.28.16

The guest today was Dr Amy Reed’s husband, Dr Hooman Noorchashm, who is leading the campaign to ban power morcellation with devices used in hysterectomies to remove fibroids in the uterus. Their campaign began in December 2013, after Amy’s unsuspected uterine cancer was spread through her abdomen by morcellation during a routine hysterectomy in 2013 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Focus on the Facts – 03.21.16

Investigative Journalist and author, Martha Rosenberg, discussed a new article by Evelyn and Martha titled, Big Pharma is Cashing in on Alcohol and Drug Treatment, and the opioid-based drugs Pharma has doctors prescribing to alcoholics and addicts that keep them in active addiction for life while paying high monthly costs for prescriptions and doctors fees to get refills.

Focus on the Facts – 03.14.16

Dr Amy Reed and her husband Dr Hooman Noorchashm discussed their campaign to ban power morcellators, used in hysterectomies, which have been spreading a deadly and aggressive cancer to thousands of women every year in the US for more than two decades. Amy is a victim of morcellation and is in treatment for the cancer.

Focus on the Facts – 03.07.16

Andrew Kreig, an investigative reporter and author, discussed the ongoing cover-up of the assassinations of President John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, the recent denial of parole to Sirhan Sirhan, and the controversies surround the death of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia at a Texas ranch.

Focus on the Facts – 02.29.16

Investigative journalist and columnist, Wayne Madsen, discussed the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and the unusual circumstances, including no investigation of the death, which took place at a hunting party at a Bohemian Grove ranch with Satanist decorations. Government officials in the Illuminati and their practice of sexual abuse, pedophilia, and the murder of infants was also discussed.

Focus on the Facts – 02.08.16

Today on Focus on the Facts, Martha Rosenberg and I will be discussing the latest study that found SSRI antidepressants double the risk of suicide and aggression and Big Pharma hid the trials that proved this. I’m going to post many of the articles that I wrote on SSRIs and how we activists knew the drug companies were hiding all this.