The Gary Null Show Notes 7.15.24

HEALTH NEWS ·         Fatty liver, cardiovascular function improved in MASLD patients given CoQ10 ·         Mediterranean Diet Improves Heart Health For Kids Too, Study Reveals ·         Vitamin D and Curcumin Piperine Offer New Hope for Lupus Patients\ ·         Simply Looking At Greenery Can Boost Mental Health – New Research ·         Lifelong low LDL-C levels key to preventing cardiovascular disease ·         The Average American Woman Now Weighs As …

The Gary Null Show Clips 7.15.24

Harari Clip (2:20)‘Now You’ve Been Caught Red-Handed!’: Josh Hawley Accuses Doctor Of Lying To Quash Lab Leak Theory (8:00)Josh Hawley exposing illegal gender sterilization surgeries at children’s hospitals in Texas (YT SHORT)Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died from SIDS after their mothers received covid Vaccinations. (9:09)

The Gary Null Show Notes 7.12.24

HEALTH NEWS Strawberry Compound Shown to Protect Against Alzheimer’s, Memory Loss FDA Finds Brominated Vegetable Oil No Longer Safe for Use in Food Urban Green And Blue Spaces Linked To Less Coronary Artery Calcification Those With Epilepsy May Benefit From Yoga  How Aloe vera’s medicinal properties make it essential in medicine, cosmetics, and food products New study finds 40% of …

The Gary Null Show Clips 7.12.24

UK Govt Docs Quietly Admit “Vaccine Holocaust” Will Kill Millions of Children (5:15) The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren’t Telling You (5:23) SHOCKING DUTCH COVER-UP: THEY KNEW ABOUT VACCINE INJURIES AND HID THE DATA | w Clayton Morris (3:15) BlackRock & Wall Street banks are profiting from Israel’s crimes in Gaza, UN says (8:46)

The Gary Null Show Notes 7.11.24

HEALTH NEWS ·         Omega-3 may help acne sufferers ·         Chronic exposure to air pollutants may increase lupus risk, research shows ·         Researchers discover component of cinnamon prevents colorectal cancer in mice  ·         Research supports TCM liver-breast cancer theory: Fatty liver linked to deteriorating breast cancer ·         How short-term nighttime carb restriction boosts exercise and burns fat ·         Breast-feeding may have dental benefits, study suggests

The Gary Null Show Notes 7.10.24

HEALTH NEWS Kiwifruit-derived supplements may boost bowel health for healthy people: RCT data Could a dietary fiber supplement offer long-awaited treatment for food allergy sufferers? Delaying diabetes with diet and exercise for 4 years results in better long-term health Study finds inadequate hydration among US children Consumption of berries, fruits and vegetables and mortality among 10,000 Men Followed for four decades

The Gary Null Show Clips 7.10.24

It Begins… Gangs Start Arming Migrants in NYC (1:50) “Fauci was in on the emails in 2021 warning that this injection was causing kids to get damaged with myocarditis and he was part of the cover up. No one brought that up, the dead kids. No one brought up the fact that Pfizer had to hide 8 dead bodies” 🔥Naomi Wolf …

The Gary Null Show Notes 7.9.24

HEALTH NEWS ·         Eating raw cruciferous vegetables may improve outcomes for some bladder cancer patients ·         Pistachio consumption improves cognitive performance and mood in overweight young adults: A pilot study ·         Reducing processed meat intake could have significant health benefits, study suggests ·         The Dark Side of Energy Drinks: Unveiling the Cardiac Risks ·         Sleep loss causes brain vulnerability to toxic elements ·         Large doses of …

The Gary Null Show Notes 7.8.24

HEALTH NEWS ·         Can Ginger Beat Out The Multi-Billion Dollar Acid Blockers? ·         First study to measure toxic metals in tampons shows arsenic and lead, among other contaminants ·         30-minute exercise session found to increase proportion of tumor-killing white blood cells in the bloodstream ·         Too much stress in your 20s could cause early cognitive decline during middle age ·         Gratitude may bring longer life …