Ask Beatty – 01.25.16

Are you taking care of your emotional, psychological and psychiatric challenges? Do you want to learn about the 8 traits of successful people and the 75 year Harvard study that found the true secrets to a fulfilling life? Tune in and listen to Beatty’s inspiring messages that could change the quality of your life and relationships forever!

Leid Stories – 01.25.16

Post-Blizzard, It’s the Political Climate That’s Being Watched

Post-blizzard weather may be big news, but the political climate is our focus today. On the cusp of the Feb. 1 Iowa Caucus and five other early-voting primaries next month, the first electoral barometers in the 2016 presidential race are consuming media attention. President Barack Obama weighs in with his own interpretation of the significance of the race for his replacement, and Leid Stories’ listeners interpret his interpretation.

The Gary Null Show – 01.25.16

Sin Hang Lee, M.D. is a graduate from Wuhan Medical College in China. After completing a residency-fellowship at Cornell-New York Hospital and Memorial Hospital for Cancer, Dr. Lee was certified by the American Board of Pathology and obtained his FRCP degree. He has served and taught on the faculties of McGill University and Yale University from 1968-2004 while practicing hospital-based pathology. Dr. Lee is currently the director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics in Milford, Connecticut. During the past 10 years, he developed the Sanger sequencing-based testing methods for HPV, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Lyme disease borreliae and Ebola virus implementable in community hospitals. More recently, Dr. Lee has been addressing the anomalies over the safety of the HPV vaccine and recently received confirmatory evidence through a Freedom of Information Act that there has been a coverup about the vaccine’s dangers among high ranking medical officials.

Black Agenda Radio – 01.25.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective.

– Dr. Anthony Monteiro was one of the organizers of a conference on the Black Radical Tradition, earlier this month, at Philadelphia’s Temple University, the school were Dr. Monteiro taught African American studies until he was fired for his radical activities. We asked Monteiro if the conference accomplished what the organizers expected?

– Who is ultimately responsible for poisoning the water in majority Black Flint, Michigan? Black Agenda Report editor and columnist Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo says the blame stretches all the way to the White House. Dr. Coleman-Adebayo blew the whistle on racism and corporate corruption when she worked for the federal Environmental Protection Agency. She says what happened to Flint, Michigan, goes far beyond environmental racism.

– Flint, Michigan’s water problems began when the State seized power from the local government. Atlantic City, New Jersey, is also facing a State takeover and the privatization of its water supply. BAR executive editor Glen Ford reports.

– The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement is circulating a petition, charging the United States with genocide against Black people. Movement president Herdosia Bentum says the petitions will be presented to the United Nations, which is holding hearings in Jackson, Mississippi, Chicago, New York, and Washington, DC. The Uhuru movement has set up encampments in each of the cities. Herdosia Bentum explains.

– Five years ago, Carl Dix and Dr. Cornel West co-founded the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, which has been confronting the Mass Black Incarceration State, ever since. Dix says the Network is holding conferences in key cities to map out plans for the next phase of struggle.

Resistance Radio – George Wuerthner – 01.24.16

George Wuerthner is the Ecological Projects Director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology. He is an ecologist and wildlands activist. He has published 38 books on environmental issues and natural history including such environmentally focused books as Welfare Ranching, Wildfire, Thrillcraft, Energy and most recently Protecting the Wild. Today we talk about beetles. The timber industry and the Forest Service portray beetles as a threat to forests, and as yet another reason forests must be cut down. Wuerthner discusses beetles as keystone species, important to forests, and to those who live in them.

Expat Files – 01.24.16

– I’ve lived all over Latin America both on and off the gringo tourist trail and much prefer the latter. Why not live off the trail where the locals truly like Americans and thus where the “gringo advantage” is alive and well? That said, some expats(especially the new, fresh, green lightly traveled variety) just love tourist trail locations. That’s why today we list 10 good and positive reasons why some might prefer to live with other gringos “ON the tourist trail”.

-Some of the so called “expert” expat retirement mags and rags as well as expat living blogs now tout “up and coming” Colombia as the “next” Costa Rica. After hearing today’s rant, you’ll still want to visit the place but probably won’t want to live or invest there. However, with Sofia Vergara as Colombia’s unofficial cultural ambassador (with every lonely heat gringo convinced she’s the Colombian girl next door) you can bet the gringos will come, no matter what the underlying facts might be.