Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #737- SUN, FEB 25- (02-25-2018): #1- If you drive in Latin America, you'll hit many potholes and suffer many annoying flat…
Dr. George L. Carlo is a world recognized medical scientist, best-selling author and attorney. His career spans thirty-five years and more than 250 medical, scientific…
Through regulatory capture, banks and other powerful corporations are able to maximize their profiteering, usually at others’ expense. A particularly egregious example of lending abuse…
David Crowe speaks with Eric Merola about two conflicts between the medical establishment and non-mainstream therapies. The first is the latest battle in the long-running…
As public physical assets deteriorate the world over, profiteers and corporatists are anxiously positioning themselves to profit from their bursting new markets of imminent demand.…
During a Colorado Springs rally on Oct. 18, 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump announced, “The time for congressional term limits has finally arrived.” For many, it…
Approve or disapprove of his choices, Trump has picked a corporate cabinet of top notch business leaders. Unlike politicians, Trump will run the White House…