Progressive Radio Network


A few months from now, this blog will complete its tenth year of more-or-less-weekly publication. In words the Grateful Dead made famous, it’s been a…
Singer, songwriter and entertainer - Mario Bonds was floored (along with most of America) Wednesday night when all three American Idol judges thought he didn't…
Thousands of supporters, hungry for "political revolution," braved rare sub-freezing temperatures in Alabama on Monday night to rally around the man they hope might bring…
Sometimes in life, all the experience and knowledge simmering around in that ol’ consciousness of ours combines itself in a way that suddenly causes the…
Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman and reality TV star who has called Mexicans rapists and proposed barring Muslims from entering the United States, is currently…
On October 11, the elder Koch brother gave a rare interview to CBS Sunday Morning. Reporter Anthony Mason asked, "Do you think it's good for the political system…
The pleasure and reward centers of the brain are activated similarly by dangerous drugs as well as by exercise, which is why therapies to treat…
The Cheater makes plans to fix Alabama's voting rights and to mock the House GOP. Join now!’
Listen to Larry Schweiger, the President at PennFuture and a Board Member of Climate Reality, speaking about Climate Week in New York.
5.1. The official unemployment rate is 5.1 percent, or 8 million people, according to the US Department of Labor.  However, this widely reported “official” number…
- Upstate groups rally for secession. Yeah, upstate NY and Alabama Good luck with that, both of you. If they were to get their wish,…
Before you think this article is “just one liberal’s opinion,” let me briefly say I have dedicated my life to studying racism. I earned my…