Heart of Mind Radio – 04.08.17

Heart Of Mind, Radio for the New Millennium, can now be heard on Saturday’s at 6 PM.

I’m Kathryn Davis, please join me for discussion, information and inspiration on consciousness, spirituality and health.

We explore the latest info and intel on ascension of the body, mind and spirit.

Please tune in, or download the program from our archive page.

That’s Heart of Mind Radio, Saturday at 6 PM over the Progressive Radio Network PRN dot FM. And don’t forget to rate us on itunes.

Online Pornography and Young Minds

Just a few weeks earlier, Jesse was excited to start grade five and share with his friends all the good stories he had from summer camp and playing baseball. But this past week, Jesse’s father noticed his son’s behavior was changing quite dramatically. Usually eager to share what he was learning in math and science, Jesse gave a simple shrug …

Beatty Cohan – Is Your Therapist Helping or Harming You?

More and more people today are seeing therapists for a variety of emotional, psychological and psychiatric problems. But how can the average consumer know how to choose a therapist and whether or not this therapeutic process is the right one for them? This can literally be one of the most important decisions an individual could make in their life and has the potential for far-reaching consequences — positive or negative.

Lawrence Davidson – Deep Poverty in America: the On-Going Tradition of Not Caring

In the assessment of poverty in the United States there is a category known as “deep poverty.” The definition of deep poverty, as given in a recent article on this subject in the Philadelphia Inquirer of 30 September 2015, goes as follows: “deep poverty is measured as income of 50% or less of the poverty rate.” In other words, the …

Lawrence Davidson – On the Age-Old Tradition of Not Caring

Part I — Deep PovertyIn the assessment of poverty in the United States there is a category known as “deep poverty.” The definition of deep poverty, as given in a recent article on this subject in the Philadelphia Inquirer of 30 September 2015, goes as follows: “deep poverty is measured as income of 50% or less of the poverty rate.” …

J. D. Heyes – Health insurers seek huge price increases as ‘affordable’ Obamacare coverage exposed as yet another government price-gouging scam

President Obama’s supporters are quick to tout his record as one of tremendous success, especially his “reform” of health care, but that is largely because they like him personally – not because Obamacare has been a rousing success. By any measure the law, which has routinely been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as constitutional despite the use of dubious …