Today is April 26th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. In this episode Gary speaks about a recent friend who passed away. Gary talks about a recent Tucker Carlson clip about “If College is worth it” Gary Null also has a new special for you …
It’s All About Food – Marina Yanay-Triner, Soul in the Raw – 02.07.17
Part I: Marina Yanay-Triner, Soul in the Raw
Dr. Atli Arnarson – 7 Health Benefits of Almond Milk
Almond milk is the most popular plant milk in the U.S. It is rich in several healthy nutrients, but compared to whole almonds it is watered down and missing most of the fiber. While its health effects have not been directly examined in controlled studies, some of its components have been studied extensively. Read more
Berry Wine, Minus Alcohol, May Help Those With Diabetes
Blueberries, and berries in general, are among foods labeled as “diabetes superfoods” by the American Association of Diabetes. Food science researchers at the University of Illinois have found that fermenting berries may improve their antidiabetic potential even more. Recent research at the U of I includes the development of an alcohol-free blueberry-blackberry “wine” that those suffering from diabetes—who typically must …
Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D. – Where Oh Where Have All the Almonds Gone?
Not only do many store bought almond milks contain only about 2% almonds but many are harboring a scary ingredient. Is your almond milk causing inflammation and disease? When I saw my daughter drinking almond milk the other day, and sharing it with her friends who were happily slurping it down, I realized everybody these days is drinking almond milk. As a …
Brown seaweed extract battles cancer
Health evidence for fucoidan stacks up as a new Australian study finds that the seaweed polysaccharide has potential to battle Helictobacter pylori-related diseases and gastric cancer through an anti-adhesion mechanism. The in vitro study carried out by scientists from the University of Western Australia showed that fucoidan extracts are effective at dislodging H. pylori bacteria from infected human stomach cancer cells. “The results show that …
Are kids from more religious families more or less altruistic than their peers from less-religious families? That’s what a high-profile new study from University of Chicago neuroscientist Jean Decety and a global crew of collaborators sought to determine. In the course of the study, published in the journal of Current Biology, the researchers use something called the “children’s dictator game,” a.k.a. stickerpalooza. Here’s how it worked: Step one. Go …
It Takes HOW Much Water to Make That Smoothie?! – Maddie Oatman
In March, amid a worsening drought, California barred restaurants from serving water to customers except upon request. Though the Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that most of a restaurant’s water usage takes place in the kitchen or bathroom instead of at the table, the policy is “more of a reminder to people that we’re in a drought, as opposed to saving millions of millions …