The Most Brazen Rip-Off Ever? How the Beverage Industry Brainwashed You to Fear Tap Water

The biggest con job perpetrated on the consumer is not some shady operation selling bogus cures through TV infomercials. America’s biggest snake-oil salesman is actually the beverage industry, or Big Bev, which resells the simplest and most vital product for thousands of times its value. That product is drinking water. Multinationals like PepsiCo, the Coca-Cola Company and Nestle rake in a …

24,000 Chemicals may be Tainting Your Bottled Water

Tap water is by no means something to reach for when looking to achieve optimal health (check this out to see why that is). But unfortunately, the common alternative of bottled water isn’t really much better. Not only does the massive amount of plastic used to produce bottled water desecrate our lands and oceans, but research has actually found bottled water to …

Toxic Chemicals Costing Society Billions in Damages to Human Health Alone

Hormone-disrupting chemicals found in human-made products—from plastics to pesticides—are causing health problems that cost society billions, a new study finds. Published Thursday in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, the examination was conducted by eighteen researchers in eight countries and is the first attempt to quantify the concrete costs of these chemicals. According to researchers, the costs come to more than $170 …