The Gary Null Show – 11.29.17

Did the NSA have the means to prevent 911 and refused to use the tools at its disposal to do so?   Les Jamieson has studied the alternative research into 9/11 since November, 2001 and has been publicly active in the 911 truth movement for over a dozen years, including outreach at Ground Zero to inform the 100s of 1000s of …

Expat Files – 08.05.16

#1- Spotting Latin American “Gringo wanabees”:
Seems as if every Latin American with a little dough eventually jumps on his own Latin version of the 1st world treadmill. The upper 5% are not looking to have more leisure time or even a calmer lifestyle. Just the opposite. Their quest is all about appearing to be more 1st world hip and affulent than their Latin friends and neighbors. The question is, who cares? While we Gringos and Expats snicker, it’s a serious business to them and other Latins playing the same dumb game.