Fearless Parent Radio – Tech Brain: The Vice Grip of Screens and Lights – 04.20.16

Guest // VIctoria Dunckley, MD Host // Carla Atherton

Has technology grabbed ahold of your kids’ brains, with the vice grip of blue screens and blinking lights? It’s affecting our children socially. It’s messing with brain function and development. It’s causing health problems from fatigue to sleep problems. It’s a catalyst of emotional upset, from tantrums and depression to addictions and even violence.


Do you have a daughter who’s not responding well to treatment? Do you suspect that you son is being medicated unnecessarily?

Could screen time be affecting your child’s grades, happiness, sense of self, relationships, and overall quality of life? Could it be at the root of an ADHD or Oppositional Defiance Disorder diagnosis?

Find out during this interview, and learn how you can join host Carla Atherton and Dr. Dunckley for a screenfast challenge. Reverse these tech side effects and develop new, healthy relationships with technology.

Fearless Parent Radio – Teen Boundaries Around Tech Usage – 02.24.16

Do you have trouble talking to your teens about creating boundaries around their usage of technology?

Do you feel like they are sometimes lost to you, immersed in a world of blue lights and virtual relationships?

Do you want your teenager to have communication and social skills and healthy real-life relationships with their peers, family, and themselves and are worried about the power technology has over them?

Uh, yes!!! Please…

This whole new world of texting and the world wide web of the internet has made it such a massive challenge for parents to keep their kids safe. It is an added challenge to teach them healthy boundaries around what the internet exposes them to and what influences their choices, both of which influence the formation of their very self-esteem and self-image. BIG stuff!

Technology isn’t going away. How can we allow our children to use technology as a tool rater than become enslaved while still allowing them space for self-expression and connection? Listen to (R)evolutionary Mama’s interview with the Guidance Girl, Emily Roberts, about how we need to effectively face this issue head-on with clarity and direction.

Fearless Parent Radio – Compulsory Education: Is This the Only Option for Our Youth?

Carla Atherton interviews Matt Hern, lecturer, writer, historian, about lifelong learning, self-directed learning, deschooling, and compulsory education – tune in for an inspiring discussion about how we can better unleash our children’s minds and inspire them in their learning.

Matt Hern lives and works in East Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories, with his partner and daughters. He has founded and directed the Purple Thistle Centre, Car-Free Vancouver Day and Groundswell: Grassroots Economic Alternatives among many other community projects. His books and articles have been published on all six continents and translated into ten languages. He currently teaches in CBU’s MBA program is an Adjunct Professor in UBC’s SCARP program. He has taught at many other universities, and continues to lecture globally. To learn more about Matt, visit his website.