Why the Climate Change Debate Is Not Like the Vaccine Debate – Dan Olmsted

The things you have to think about when you get involved in the vaccine safety issue! Lately I’ve been wondering about the state of the global warming debate, prompted by vaccine injury deniers who say ideas like ours are so goofy they are similar to denying that global warming is real. This week, I was forwarded a release from Voices …

Does ADHD Exist? – Edward F. Group

Did you catch my entry about 6 toxic causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? In it, I mentioned that I’d look at the other side of the argument. Is this a true neurological disorder that needs life-long medical treatment, or is the ADHD diagnosis simply an overgeneralization of a underlying condition? So, let’s get down to what those folks believe: does …

Powassan Virus: ‘Ticks Now Carrying Virus Worse than Lyme Disease’ – Robert Harrington

For anyone who has suffered from Lyme disease, such as NaturalSociety’s Anthony Gucciardi (who overcame it), they know just how painful and intractable it can be. Not only has it been difficult to convince the medical establishment to diagnose it, but Lyme disease can be extremely challenging to successfully treat. But it seems there is another tick-borne virus that is catching the …

Antibiotic use in livestock going up, up, up – Avinash Kar

This morning, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the latest report on sales of antibiotics for livestock use, that is, for use in meat and poultry production in 2013. The news follows the trends of the last few years, showing yet another increase in the numbers. Some lowlights: Livestock antibiotic sales have gone up from about 16,115 tons in 2012 to a …

Christine Sarich – Hormone Disrupting Chemical Banned in EU Found in 50 Top US Snacks

A recent study by Harvard School of Public Health says a widely used chemical used in US food products causes fertility issues, yet it is still allowed to be used. While the US Food and Drug Administration declares this synthetic food additive is “generally recognized as safe, or GRAS,” the European Union’s food regulators outlawed it ever since scientists found it lowered sperm counts …

Offit Jumps Shark, Orders Starbucks, Plays Armchair Psychologist in Support of Oregon Bill

Senate Bill 442, since defeated in Oregon, had some high-powered supporters. Oregon activists recently unearthed the testimony of Dr. Paul Offit, a resident of Pennsylvania, who put together an extraordinary letter. It’s worth noting that Paul Offit is one of the primary architects of the thinking and logic behind the nationwide attempts to end vaccine exemptions, its remarkable to see …

Offit Vaccine Under Review In France After Baby Deaths

Two brands of rotavirus vaccine licensed in the United States are under review in France after two infant deaths from intussusception in 2012 and 2014. A report has been submitted by the French licensing agency, the MSNA, to the ‘General Directorate of Health’. The brands include the Merck Rotateq vaccine, of which leading compulsory vaccination advocate Paul Offit was co-inventor and share-holder, …

5 diseases your pets can give you!

Our furry bundles of joy give us love and attention, and something else – skin diseases and other infections. Read on to know how to safeguard your pet and your family against five maladies. We love them, cuddle with them and treat them like family. And these cuddly, furry creatures reciprocate in kind by showering us with unconditional love and …

Susan McCreadie, MD: I Rest Easier NOT Vaccinating my Children

Since finishing my pediatric training, I have come to realize that you can find evidence to support your decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. When I started my pediatric practice fresh out of residency, I was a primary care physician and offered vaccinations to those families who chose to vaccinate their children. I actually gave the children the vaccines …

Breaking News: Whooping cough outbreak in only vaccinated children

 An alarming outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) is currently sweeping through the Park City, Utah area. And the news is not good for the vaccine industry – as you’ll soon see. This whooping cough outbreak marks the first time in many years that the area has experienced even one case of pertussis. So far, 19 kids have been diagnosed with the illness. Is the pertussis …