This show began with guest Patricia Axelrod of The Peoples’ Advocate/Desert Storm Think Tank and ALL Veterans’ Advocate revealing her work with a whistle blowing high ranking VA doctor who has complained to regional and onsite VA Supervisory and Directorship Personnel about extraordinary shortage of medical equipment , instruments, support and technical staff impairing the quality of care he is …
Economic Update – Another ‘Gilded Age – 05.20.18
Updates on Theranos bankruptcy and workers’ risks, our second “gilded age,” mortgage lenders turn to rich borrowers, Trump on drug prices is just rhetoric, economic effects of breaking Iran treaty. Interview with Prof Miguel Robles-Duran on gentrification and crisis of cities. Download this episode (right click and save)
Black Agenda Radio – 05.14.18
Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: There has not been one pause in U.S. wars since the invasion of Iraq, and the corporate media has been beating the drums for every one of them, with play-by- play from lying generals and the …
Leid Stories—A Big Win Against Corruption and Injustice in Benton Harbor, Michigan—05.09.18
Last Tuesday, May 1, the Rev. Edward Pinkney, a longtime grassroots activist, received some good news—albeit after serving a full 30-month prison sentence on a bogus conviction for election fraud. The Michigan Supreme Court, finally reviewing his case, unanimously ordered his convictions vacated and all charges against him dismissed. Pinkney, a leading voice against corrupt political leadership and massive corporate …
Project Censored – 03.27.18
What is ‘radical sociology’? Why is it important for scholars, and for activists? Michael Sukhov and Peter Phillips explore these questions, and more, with three social scientists: Michael Thompson, Frances Fox Piven, and William Robinson.  Michael Thompson teaches in the Political Science Department at William Paterson University in New Jersey. Frances Fox Piven is Professor Emerita at the City University …
The Torch – 03.19.18
The nuclear waste dump by the sea is what locals are calling plans to store thousands of tons of radioactive waste from the San Onofre Nuclear generating station near San Diego, California. Torgen Johnson is anactivist who describes the lingering time bomb represented by the waste disposal plan and the problems facing more than 100 commercial reactors in the United …
The Conspiracy Guy – 02.08.18
The Conspiracy Guy Show #62: The Nunes’ FISA memo nails key players in the FBI and the DOJ for participating in a series of corrupt acts, including using the ludicrous “Steele dossier” as evidence of the need to spy on Trump and some of his representatives. The deeper you dig, the more outrageous the situation becomes. If the FISA judge …
Connect The Dots – The Whistleblower’s View – 01.10.18
The Whistleblower’s View: Listen to Lisa Ling, a former military technological expert who was featured in the documentary, National Bird, discussing drone warfare, militarism, and the future of democracy with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Gary Null Show – 01.09.18
Today is January 9th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. This episode Gary sets most of the time aside to talk about the C.I.A Download this episode (right click and save)
Meria Heller – Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer – 10.29.17
Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer. The latest from the JFK Conference;Oswald and Tippett;autopsy photos;Jackie & Bobby;Mayor of Dallas brother was CIA; KGB in 1965 and Johnson;Johnson’s lover;latest paper release;Who’s the Lee in Mexico (Al Bundy?) ;Updates on: Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11, Vegas;Len Posner drops his lawsuit against Wolfgang Halbig;Boston bomber gets federal appeals court to hear case for his innocence;Airlines pay …