David Steinberg (www.DavidSteinberg.us) has been writing about sexuality since 1989. His book “This Thing We Call Sex” is honest, funny, sometimes angry, but always profound. Dr. Diana and David discussed Fine Art Sexual Photography, something he has been doing since 1999. He photographs couples having sex, and he tells them to be themselves — to have a good time, to …
Let’s Create A Better World – 06.05.17
Dr. Christine Horner Guest, Co-Hosts Bobby Elias & Divine Aubry Remember when turning 40 was considered being “over the hill” marked by a symbolic tombstone engraved “RIP” on top of a birthday cake? Today, turning 40 is more synonymous with “running up a hill” especially for women in this age bracket who tend to be at their peak of busyness.Surveys …
Leid Stories—Hillary Wants Us to Move ‘Onward Together’—05.16.17
Hillary Clinton, bitter and embattled, as of yesterday has a new political slogan that she’s marketing to her bereft “I’m With Her” supporters and others eager to see her make a comeback: “Onward Together.” Now, she’s teamed up with ex-Democratic National Committee chairman and former presidential candidate Howard Dean, and they’ve launched Onward Together, a political action group that will …
Leid Stories—The Trump Card vs the Clintons and The Clinton Foundation: How Will They Fare? (Part 2)—01.25.17
We return to yesterday’s discussion on how President Donald Trump is likely to deal with his nemesis, Hillary Clinton, and the family-run Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation that is the hub of what charity-fraud expert Charles Ortel calls the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in history.”
Also, we discuss the conviction yesterday of Rep. Charles B. Rangel, one of the most powerful members of the House of Representatives, on 11 of 13 counts of ethics violations.
KENNETH P. VOGEL – Chelsea’s husband allegedly used foundation ties to boost hedge fund
Chelsea Clinton’s husband used his connections to the Clinton family and their charitable foundation to raise money for his hedge fund, according to an allegation by a longtime Clinton aide made public Sunday in hacked documents released by WikiLeaks. Marc Mezvinsky extended invitations to a Clinton Foundation poker event to rich Clinton supporters he was courting as investors in his …
Leid Stories—High-Level U.S. Intelligence Operatives Mount Opposition to Clintons’ ‘Civil Coup’ of U.S. Government. Hillary’s Presidential Run, Clinton Foundation in the Crosshairs—11.03.16
In an almost surreal Election 2016 development, a former deputy assistant secretary of state announced yesterday that high-level operatives in the U.S. intelligence community, outraged by a Clinton-orchestrated “coup” of the U.S. government through “corruption, cooptation and cronyism,” as of yesterday began a “countercoup” to torpedo Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid and dislodge an entrenched Clinton-directed shadow government.
HENRY GIROUX – Thinking Dangerously in the Age of Normalized Ignorance
What happens to a society when thinking is eviscerated and is disdained in favor of raw emotion? [1] What happens when political discourse functions as a bunker rather than a bridge? What happens when the spheres of morality and spirituality give way to the naked instrumentalism of a savage market rationality? What happens when time becomes a burden for most people and surviving becomes more crucial than trying to lead a life with dignity? What happens when domestic terrorism, disposability, and social death become the new signposts and defining features of a society? What happens to a social order ruled by an “economics of contempt” that blames the poor for their condition and wallows in a culture of shaming?[2] What happens when loneliness and isolation become the preferred modes of sociality? What happens to a polity when it retreats into private silos and is no longer able to connect personal suffering with larger social issues? What happens to thinking when a society is addicted to speed and over-stimulation? What happens to a country when the presiding principles of a society are violence and ignorance? What happens is that democracy withers not just as an ideal but also as a reality, and individual and social agency become weaponized as part of the larger spectacle and matrix of violence?[3]
DAVID ATKINS – Why Millennials Don’t Like Clinton—And What She Can Do About It
Hillary Clinton has long struggled with younger voters, but the problem now threatens to cost her the election. Clinton’s address to millennials this week underscored her awareness of how crucial they are to her chances in November. But her support from voters ages 18 to 35 has declined by double digits since August, raising an urgent question for Democrats: Why are millennial voters so …
Leid Stories—Bad Medicine, Big Money: Bombshell Congressional Report Says Clinton Foundation-Foreign Pharma ‘Charity’ Partnership Made Millions Giving Poor HIV/AIDS Patients ‘Watered Down’ Drugs—09.21.16
A blistering, just-concluded congressional report on the operations of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)—the highest-revenue-generating project of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that was spun off as its own nonprofit in 2010—charges that the former president’s much-vaunted global HIV/AIDS relief program distributed “watered down” and “adulterated” medications to patients in sub-Saharan Africa and in cash-strapped countries where …
Leid Stories—The Clinton Global Initiative, Under Heavy Fire, Prepares for Shutdown—Though, More Likely, A Shift—09.15.16
The Clinton Global Initiative, the jewel in the crown of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation described as an incubator of ideas for tackling major issues and problems all over the world, officially will shut down after its last annual meeting (Sept. 19-21) in Manhattan.